In both assessment 1 (presentation) and assessment 2 (written research article) you will be required to work in a group on the same research topic. Groups should consist of 3 to 4 individuals. Exceptions to this can be made for offcampus students if they can demonstrate difficulty in finding group members. You are free to form your own groups, whether through face-to-face contact or by using the ‘group formation’ forum on CloudDeakin. Ensure once your group is formed that you register it on CloudDeakin. You are required to finalise your group formation by the second week of trimester.
GROUP WORK TIPS Your group will benefit from diversity. You are encouraged to form groups with a broad range of skills covering quantitative analysis, writing, editing skills and leadership skills. You should also try to form groups that cover diverse industry groups and cultural backgrounds. You should consider appointing a leader for the group. The role of the leader is to coordinate meetings and set deadlines. However, the group should still agree on decisions made by the leader and the group cannot expect the leader to bear responsibility for the group’s performance. At the initial stage, avoid assigning different tasks to each member. You are encouraged to work as a group, meaning you should first think about the project as a whole, write down some bullet points, and then meet together to work out a plan prior to the assigning of tasks. Also, do not expect to simply ‘compile’ different bits and pieces from each member to form an assignment. The group needs to sit down and ensure the whole paper reads consistently and is interconnected. Set deadlines. Think creatively about ways to make the group meetings enjoyable. Choice of location and some nice food can make a difference. Most importantly, get excited about your topic!
CHOOSING A TOPIC After forming a group, your next step will be to decide on a topic for research.