Global Warming
In this paper there are two questions that I will answer first being “is global warming due to human actions? Can the human race take action to stop global warming?” The answer to these questions in my own opinion can go either way, but for the purposes of this argument I will answer these as yes and yes. Humans can do something to slow down Global warming even though some causes are out of human hands this paper will explain both the human causes and the natural causes of global warming. Global Warming is a serious issue for humans as its end results can be our own extinction as the planet will no longer be able to support any life. We as humans burn everything, take everything this earth has to give and refuses to give anything back to it. Eventually the earth will fail to produce oxygen because we cut down all the trees. The oceans will die cause we are killing all the fish for food and what we do not eat we starve to death by killing their food source and pollute the rest of the oceans with our waste products. “The PETM bears some striking resemblances to the human-caused climate change unfolding today. Most notably, the culprit behind it was a massive injection of heat-trapping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and oceans, comparable in volume to what our persistent burning of fossil fuels could deliver in coming centuries.” (Kump, 2011) The PETM if you are wondering is short for Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum which is a time from back in earths past when the climate was much, much warmer. If we do nothing to stop our fossil fuel usage we could surpass those temperatures. The United States of America is cleaner than what other countries that do not have our technology even though that is the case we could still be far better than that. “Current global warming is on a path to vastly exceed the PETM, but it may not be too late to avoid the calamity that awaits us. To do so require immediate action by all the