Global warming is the term used to describe a gradual increase in the average temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere and its oceans, a change that is believed to be permanently changing the Earth’s climate. Even though it is an ongoing debate, it is proved by the scientists that the planet is warming.
Global warming Causes
The causes are many of which the main culprit is the increase in the greenhouse gases that is produced by burning fossil fuel and deforestation, thus intensifying the greenhouse effect leading to global warming. The four main contributors of the greenhouse effect are, water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane and ozone.
Mining for coal and oil releases methane in the atmosphere. More ever the leakage from natural gas fields and landfills are additional source of methane. Excessive cutting down of the trees is another factor causing global warming. When deforestation happens the efficiency by which carbon dioxide is stored and oxygen released by the green plants are decreased to a huge rate in turn causing increased concentration of carbon dioxide that leads to increased greenhouse effect.
The nitrous oxide from fertilizers, gases used for refrigeration and industrial processes are other factors that cannot be forgotten as the cause of Global Warming.
Ice caps and glaciers reflect sunlight, bouncing high temperature sun -rays back into space away from the Earth. When these icecaps are removed the earth gets warmer as the dark oceans absorb much thermal radiation from the sun.
what effect does it have on the environment? Well global warming can have many effects, and the effects are definitely not good! Global warming can cause many things like mess with the sea level, affect the weather and so on. Global warming effects the environment in bad ways, and if it is not at least attempted to be stopped, it is only going to get worse.
One effect global warming has on the environment is it affects sea level. Global warming raises the overall temperature and cause glaciers and ice caps to melt, which makes the water expand. When this happens, sea levels tend to rise more rapidly than normal..
Most importantly, global warming affects weather. Global warming can affect the weather by making the climate hot or cold, or making it switch back and forth. Global warming is also believed to be the reason for so many bad hurricanes and earthquakes.
Although global warming is bad, there are ways to try and prevent it. Just by driving less and taking a bike or walking can help prevent global warming. Cutting down on your garbage can also help, just by buying fewer packaged materials can help prevent global warming. Most importantly, recycling can help. Buying recycled paper products and recycling as much as possible, is a great way to prevent global warming.
So many things can be affected just by global warming, but it can also be prevented. Global warming is considered to be the main problem with our environment. So whether global warming is real or not, let us try to prevent it, because the environment is important!