Since the end of WWII the United States has played the role of international policeman. As one of the strongest economic, political, and economic powers in the world the United Nations Special committee on Global warming research has also made us the leading emissions releaser in the world, with approximately one fifth of all global emissions coming from our country.
There are many causes of the greenhouse effect. The most prevalent greenhouse gas is Carbon dioxide or CO2. Carbon dioxide and it's fellow greenhouse gases are released in agricultural practices world wide. They are released by the burning of fossil fuels. There are many invaluable methods in each of these areas to produce Carbon dioxide.
In agriculture there are dozens of ways that greenhouse gases are produced world wide. The clearing of land and the subsequent burning of the vegetation releases a green house gas. Add to that the vegetation they removed is also what removes Carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and a lethal cycle can be scene. Methane another greenhouse gas is released by the decomposing of manure for fertilization. Methane is also released by cattle in high amounts. These are the most prevalent ways agriculture creates greenhouse gases.
The burning of fossil fuels is another leading cause of greenhouse gases. These emissions can be seen when you start