increase in temperature. I believe that global warming is indeed real, but there are others who beg to differ. Scientists are trying to make a strong case against global warming being real because they believe that there is not enough data for a cogent conclusion (Is). There have been thousands of studies tested by scientists all over the world to prove that this is a threat to the world. Through the studies that have been tested over the years, it has become clear that global warming is not a hoax and is an issue that needs to be stopped. A major question asked when debating about global warming is “What is the source of the problem?” A main source of global warming is greenhouse gas emissions. These emissions are caused by human activities such as electricity generation and transportation. From 1990 to 2010, these emissions have increased by 35% around the world, only six percent is from the United States (Climate). The major greenhouse gases include: carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and fluorinated gases. It is said that some fluorinated gases may live up to thousands of years in the atmosphere, while methane only lives for twelve and nitrous oxide lives for a hundred years (Climate). These greenhouse gases lead to a very slow rate of pollution, which then causes a rise in temperature, ice caps and glaciers to melt, oceans to be acidic and sea levels to rise. Temperature change is an obvious and the main sign of global warming. It has been estimated that the world’s average temperature has changed from 0.4 degrees celsius to 0.8 degrees celsius over the past 100 years (Global). Scientists from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate carrying out global warming research have recently predicted that average global temperatures could increase between 1.4 and 5.8 degrees celsius by the year 2100 if conditions continued to grow as they grow now (Global). This rise in temperature is the utmost reason in why I believe climate change is real and puts us all in danger.
Another major example of why global warming exists is the fact that sea levels have risen very much.
Sea levels rise more as the temperature rises because as water heats up the molecules expand (Sea). As small as 0.14 inches may sound, its effects can be devastating for coastal habitats. If conditions continue as they are, then the sea levels will rise at lethal proportions. As tested in a recent study, oceans can be expected to rise 2.5 to 6.5 feet in the year 2100; this is enough to flood many cities off of the US East Coast (Sea). Sea levels are also anticipated to rise due to melting ice caps and glaciers. It is uncertain on whether or not the world's two major ice sheets, Greenland and Antarctica, have been growing or lessening, due to their vast size (Polar). If a complete meltdown of a Greenland ice sheet were to occur, then the sea level would rise up 23 feet, which is enough to submerge all of London (Sea). Ever since the beginning of time, Earth’s oceans have maintained a stable acidity. Oceans currently absorb a third of human carbon dioxide emissions at about twenty two million tons each day (Ocean). The carbon dioxide that has been consumed by oceans, slowly turns into carbonic acid which affects the lives of many aquatic life. Continuous emissions of these gases will raise the acidity by 0.5 pH levels by the end of the century; the increase in acidity causes aquatic shell growth come to a halt (Ocean). This rise in oceanic acidity affects lives of aquatic creatures …show more content…
that could soon be doomed to an utmost demise.
Many scientists and people believe that global warming is a hoax.
They believe this because they claim that there has been no significant change in temperature since 1997 (Is). While this is somewhat true, there has not been a major change in temperature. However, there was a strong change back in the 1970’s and it began to take a lull in the 1990’s (Is). Scientists also claim that predictions on global warming have been proven incorrect. An example they have used is “Al Gore predicted that all Arctic ice would be gone by 2013. But, on contrary Arctic ice is up by 50% since 2012” (Is). Arctic ice may have risen in Antarctic ice sheets due to the cold temperature, but ice in Greenland is much warmer and can shrink more easily than ice from Antarctica (Polar). Anything that is predicted could be wrong, but that does not mean that the whole problem is not true. The Mayans predicted that the world will end on December 21, 2012. That, of course, did not happen, but that does not mean the world will not end. The same goes for global warming. Predictions made may not be fully accurate, but that does not eliminate the fact that it is real. Of course, there are still people suspicious about the fact that global warming is a farce, but I stand by my decisions and I claim it to be
In conclusion, global warming is a serious threat to all of us. I believe that it needs to be stopped before we are all subjected to an odious demise. However, there are people that believe that this is no threat and it is overrated. It is clear that global warming exists because of the large amount of research that many scientists undergo for factual evidence. This controversial issue is a threat to humanity and even the rest of Earth its