Introduction Global warming refers to the increase in the average temperature of both the earth’s near surface air and the oceans. The temperature increase began in mid twentieth century and is predicted to continue into the future. For example, during the last hundred years ending in 2005, the earth’s surface air temperature has increased drastically (Thomas, C. D, 2004). Basically, global warming is the recent increase in the average air and ocean temperature of the Earth as well as its expected continuation. What is so controversial about it is the actual potential for danger and its causes. Though natural events like volcanoes and solar changes have caused small rises in temperatures over time, many believe that greenhouse gas emissions have a large part in this and that even if the emission levels stabilize, temperatures may continue rising for another thousand years or more. It is projected by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that the average global surface temperature will probably rise another 1.1-6.4 °C (2.0 to 11.5 °F) during this century. Right now the average temperature of the Earth is about 13 °C, or 56 °F.
Increasing temperatures can lead to rising sea levels, extreme weather events and changes in precipitation. Global warming can also affect agriculture and glacier retreat and can facilitate the spread of disease and the extinctions of species.
Many countries have been working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to prevent global warming; some have signed and ratified the Kyoto Protocol for this purpose. However, others feel that this is either ineffectual or unnecessary. The increasing global temperature causes changes such as rising sea levels, which is consequently expected to increase the occurrence of extreme weather events (hurricane, floods, and famine). In addition, the amount and pattern of precipitation is affected by increasing global temperature. The effects of
References: Emmanuel .K, 2008 “Hurricanes and Global warming: Results from downscaling IPCC AR 4 simulations” Bulletin of the American Meteorological society 89; 347-367 Larry .O. 2006. Rising Ocean Acidity Threatens Reefs. Discovery News Retrieved on May 22, 2008 Ruddiman .W. F. 2005. “How Did Humans First Alter Global Climate?” Scientific American 292(3). 46-53 Hansen J. 2000. Climatic Change: Understand Global Warming. One World: The Health and Survival of the Human Species in the 21st Century Health Press Thomas .C.D, 2004. “Extinction risk from climate change” Nature 427 (6970): 145-138