Cited: Avery, Dennis. "A False Consensus on Global Warming?" Center for Global Issues. 10 Feb. 2007 . Ball, Timothy. "Global Warming: the Cold, Hard Facts?" Canadian Free Press. 5 Feb. 2007. 10 Feb. 2007 . Berger, W H., comp. Decadal to Millennial Climate Cyclicity: a Response to Solar Activity or Tidal Action? 1997. Global and Planetary Change. 13 Feb. 2007 . Bond, Gerard, comp. Persistent Solar Influence on North Atlantic Climate During the Holocene. 7 Dec. 2001. 13 Feb. 2007 . Harris, Tom. "Scientists Respond to Gore 's Warnings of Climate Catastrophe." Canadain Free Press. 12 June 2006. 9 Feb. 2007 . Will, George F. "Incovenient Kyoto Truths." Newsweek 12 Feb. 2007: 72+.
Cited: Avery, Dennis. "A False Consensus on Global Warming?" Center for Global Issues. 10 Feb. 2007 . Ball, Timothy. "Global Warming: the Cold, Hard Facts?" Canadian Free Press. 5 Feb. 2007. 10 Feb. 2007 . Berger, W H., comp. Decadal to Millennial Climate Cyclicity: a Response to Solar Activity or Tidal Action? 1997. Global and Planetary Change. 13 Feb. 2007 . Bond, Gerard, comp. Persistent Solar Influence on North Atlantic Climate During the Holocene. 7 Dec. 2001. 13 Feb. 2007 . Harris, Tom. "Scientists Respond to Gore 's Warnings of Climate Catastrophe." Canadain Free Press. 12 June 2006. 9 Feb. 2007 . Will, George F. "Incovenient Kyoto Truths." Newsweek 12 Feb. 2007: 72+.