Sometimes, it takes a huge blockbuster movie to affect a large population. On Memorial Day weekend in 2004, The Day After Tomorrow was released. The movie tells the story of a paleoclimatologist who warns the world of a possible abrupt climate change that could occur. While his warnings go unheeded, extreme weather becomes rampant throughout the world signifying an eventual end to humanity. The film stirred some controversy, however, since scientists claim that it portrays an inaccurate depiction of the dangers brought about by global warming. Yet, other scientists see the movie as a teaching tool, a way of making the public more aware of climate change and global warming. Is the Earth really warming up? The answer is yes. Over the past 50 years, the average global temperature has been climbing at the fastest rate in recorded history and physical damage illustrates this. Experts claim that this will only get worse.
Scientists were initially wary of The Day After Tomorrow due to its overly extravagant special effects that could lead an individual to simply dismiss the problem entirely. A survey, however, showed that 83% of viewers were concerned about global warming, compared to 72% of nonwatchers. Overall, watchers demonstrated high levels of concern towards the issue but unfortunately, few of them actively worry about it. Although the effects of global warming are not predominately showing, there is reason to worry as scientists are learning more each year how warming affects our planet. If the trend continues, humanity is more and more likely to experience a global catastrophe that is reminiscent of an apocalypse. In other words, action must be taken.
What is Global Warming and is it Really Happening?
The mechanism that drives global warming is the release of greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide being a major one) into the atmosphere. Those gases reflect heat energy trying to escape the earth's atmosphere back towards