Saloni Gupta (Civil engineering Dept., MediCaps Institute of Science and Technology)
The ‘Mother Earth’ has been cooling for the last decade. Poles of the planet are gaining about as much ice as they are losing. It is worth mentioning that since past 420,000 years, Earth’s atmospheric temperature is changing even before carbon dioxide emission by humans. There is no scientific evidence to back claims of man-made global warming period. Anyone who tells you that scientific research shows warming trends – be they teachers, newscasters, Congressmen, Senators, Vice Presidents or Presidents – is wrong. In fact, scientific research through U.S. government satellite shows that the earth’s atmospheric temperature is actually cooling – very slightly by 0.037 °C. Generally carbon dioxide is considered to be a principle greenhouse gas. From 1998 until 2009 the Earth has cooled about 25 °C despite the fact that CO2 level has continued to climb up. Moreover, as the concentration of CO2 gas in the environment increases, the ocean has also increased its absorption of CO2 from roughly 2.0 Pg to 4.2 Pg. The readings taken for last three summers shows that the global sea level this summer is a quarter of an inch lower than last summer. Sunspots activities help provide an explanation for the continuous up and down jiggling of the earth’s temperature that even more complicates the problem. Changes in global temperatures are natural. This study has concluded that the global warming problem is not initiated by human kind. It was present already even before a century. This has been proved by the presence of 40% more oxygen in the atmosphere before 5.3 million years. Of course we, human being, are contributing a minor portion resulting to greenhouse effect. But, it is important to understand that this is Earth’s cycle which is natural. The paper intends to present the facts proving greenhouse effect and global warming are natural phenomena, not manmade.
One of the fundamental tenets of our justice system is one is innocent until proven guilty. While that doesn’t apply to scientific discovery, in the global warming debate the prevailing attitude is that human induced global warming is already a fact of life and it is up to doubters to prove otherwise. Did you know that the Earth has been cooling for the last decade? Did you know that the poles of the planet are gaining about as much ice as they are losing? Did you know that for 420,000 years changes in the Earth's temperature have happened before changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide? These are not things that you are likely to learn by listening to the mainstream media….
Global warming is continuing rise in temperature of earth’s atmosphere and ocean. When we talk about global warming the first thing that comes to our mind is ‘Green House Effect’. Green house effect is a process by which thermal radiation from a planetary surface is absorbed by atmospheric green house gases (Water vapor, carbon di oxide, methane, nitrous oxide and ozone), and is re-radiated in all directions. Since part of this re-radiation is back towards the surface energy is transferred to surface and lower atmosphere. As a result, the temperature there is higher than it would be if direct heating by solar radiation were the only warming mechanism Its causes are as follows: a) Anthropogenic (manmade) causes b) Natural causes a) Anthropogenic causes( according to manmade global warming theory): Anthropogenic causes for global warming are those which are caused due to human activities. The most prominent cause being man-made pollution. A large part of this pollution can be attributed to the burning of fossil fuels. This includes burning coal to produce electricity as well as burning gasoline to power internal combustion engine vehicles. When these fossil fuels are burnt, they let out carbon dioxide, which is yet another greenhouse gas which traps heat within the atmosphere of the Earth and contributes to global warming. Secondly when the Earth is dug to extract these fossil fuels in the process known as mining, the methane inside the Earth's crust escapes into the atmosphere and adds to other greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide. If we start investigating the anthropogenic causes of global warming, we are unaware of the most important cause of global warming - population. More population means more requirements, which includes food, electricity and transport. In order to fulfill these requirements, more fossil fuels are consumed, which eventually leads to global warming. Humans breathe out carbon dioxide, and with an increasing population, the amount of carbon dioxide humans breathe out also increases and leads to global warming. Even agriculture contributes to global warming, owing to the extensive use of fertilizers, and the dung produced by cattle which is another prominent source of methane. b) Natural causes:
Natural causes of global warming include the release of methane gas from arctic tundra and wetlands, climate change, volcanoes etc. Methane, a greenhouse gas which traps the heat within the earth's atmosphere, is let out in large quantities in the arctic tundra and wetlands. In case of volcanoes, when a volcano erupts, tons of ash is let out into the atmosphere.
The difference between weather and climate is a measure of time. Weather is what conditions of the atmosphere are over a short period of time and climate how atmosphere “behaves” over relative long period of time. Science is clear on what controls cycles of climate change. Global warming (and cooling) cycles is controlled primarily by: * Cyclical variations in the sun's energy output * Eccentricities in Earth's orbit * The influence of plate tectonics on the distribution of continents and oceans * The so-called "greenhouse effect,"
Figure 1. Solar activity; Northern Hemisphere, Arctic, global, and U.S. annual surface air temperatures; sea level; glacier length; and amount of manmade carbon in the atmosphere. Source: Arthur B. Robinson, Noah E. Robinson, and Willie Soon, "Environmental Effects of Increased Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide" Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Retrieved 17 May 09.
Some people will argue that a 10 or 15 year time period is not long enough to gauge a climate trend, and they would be right. It is all a matter of what time period you want to look at and how you present the data. If we take a look at the following graph we come to the conclusion that earth was, is, and will have a changing climate. We cannot control it.
Figure 2. Shows a close-up of the last 11,000 years. The graph shows a summary of the many warm and cold periods that have alternated throughout the years CO2 – PRIMARY GREEN HOUSE GAS:
Carbon dioxide is the gas that is responsible for global warming under the man made global warming theory. CO2 is also a part of everyday life. Therefore, this gas should not be confused with smog, which creates a low level ozone layer that can be harmful to humans. CO2 is less than 2% of the world’s atmosphere. Meanwhile 93% of all CO2 is stored in the world’s oceans; the rest is stored the biosphere in things like plants. Oceans move CO2 into the atmosphere and then remove it as continual cycle. Warmer waters, like tropical waters, store less CO2 than colder arctic or deep waters. As CO2 increases in the Earth’s atmosphere, the oceans work harder to remove it. CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere have increased 30% since the pre-industrial era. The ocean has also increased its absorption of CO2 from roughly 2.0 Pg of CO2 in the 1980s to 4.2 Pg in the 1990s. But still this increased absorption of CO2 has no relation with increase in temperature.
Figure 3. Global temperatures and CO2 level between 1998and 2008
This graph indicates that the global temperature has not increased at all in the last ten years although the CO2 level has continued to rise.
We have a carbon-based life. CO2 is the gas of life. Increased CO2 levels in the atmosphere cause plants to grow faster, and increased plant life allows for increased animal life. Roger Revelle, the founder of our modern greenhouse science and also the famed mentor to Al Gore, said, "Increased CO2 in the air acts like a fertilizer for plants ... you get more plant growth. Increasing CO2 levels also affect water transpiration, causing plants to close their pores and sweat less. That means plants will be able to grow in drier climates. By one accounts, the absorption of CO2 by plants has increased by 2% over the last 50 years and is still rising. If it could rise by another 2% it would completely offset manmade CO2 emissions. Hundreds of experiments have demonstrated that increased CO2 stimulates plant growth. On this basis, rising levels of atmospheric CO2 can be a huge benefit for mankind.
Figure 4. Data from 279 published experiments in which plants of all types were grown under stressed and unstressed conditions. Source: Arthur B. Robinson, Noah E. Robinson, and Willie Soon, "Environmental Effects of Increased Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide" Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine. Undated. Retrieved 17 May 09.
1) Water Vapor and Clouds
One of the most unknown factors in the global warming debate is clouds. Erick Bays says Clouds reflect a portion of the incoming shortwave energy before it reaches the earth. An increase in temperature could create an increase in H2O which could cause more clouds. This could counteract any potential warming due to increased greenhouse gasses.
2) Polar Ice
A lot of attention has been given to melting arctic ice, so it's good to know a little bit about it. News articles often mention that arctic ice is at lower levels than even before in recorded history. What they often do not mention is that recorded history only dates back to 1979, which is when we stared measuring the ice with satellites. If the arctic ice cap does melt, it won't be the first time. The Earth has been warmer than it is now on many occasions. The Arctic only accounts for about 3% of the world's ice. Antarctica accounts for about 90% of the world's ice, and the eastern 80% of Antarctica has been cooling for 30 years. The western 20% of Antarctica, which we hear about occasionally when an ice shelf falls into the ocean, actually has an active volcano under it that is lubricating the ice and helping it slide into the ocean. The fact that these ice shelves fall into the ocean is quite possibly a result of natural causes and not global warming. Also, the sea ice around all but western Antarctica is increasing.
From the above study we derive the following conclusions:- 1) There is still scientific debate about global warming. 2) Computer climate models are unreliable. 3) Earth's temperature has been warmer in the past. It is not hotter than normal. 4) Changes in energy from the sun drive climate change on Earth, not carbon dioxide. Therefore, global warming has not yet been proven
Since we have discussed in the above articles that global warming is not purely manmade it is natural also. And if it is natural we cannot control it, therefore we would suggest it would be better if we do not waste money and time in policies to reduce global warming rather give our energies and money to study the effects of global warming and how to survive its disastrous effects.
Respice post te , mortelem te sees memento…….
Look around you, remember that you are mortal……
1 Richard Muller. "Physics for Future Presidents." University of California, Berkeley. 8 Apr 08.
2 Intergovernmental Panels on Climate Change. "About IPCC." Retrieved 7 May 09. The IPCC web site.
3 Richard Muller. "Physics for Future Presidents." University of California, Berkeley. 8 Apr 08.
4 Paul Edwards and Stephan Schneider. "The 1995 IPCC Report: Broad Consensus or 'Scientific Cleansing'?".
5 Roy W Spencer “Senate Environment and Public Works Committee on 22 July 2008”
6 Kenneth Rundt “Global Warming – Man-made or Natural? April 2008 Turku, Finland”
7 S. Fred Singer Professor Emeritus of Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia “Global Warming: Man-Made or Natural? Inprimis August 2007 • Volume 36, Number 8”
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