Madhusoodanan Pillai
January 04, 2015
Pillai 2
Global Warming International attention and research on climate changes across the globe had, over the past few decades, highlighted the significance of global warming. Many governments as well as the
United Nations have been taking action to mitigate the risks associated with global warming.
Scientists and research in several salient organizations have been putting efforts to identify and resolve the associated issues. It was in such a scenario, that a few claims appeared in some quarters; stating global warming is a myth, it is not reliable etc(1) . In this article, we will have an overview of these claims. We shall see whether these claims are legitimate and whether there are any scientific proofs to validate these claims. We need to do this as the majority of scientists still continue to believe that the issue of global warming remains a valid, significant and well established fact of our times.
Opposition and Arguments One of the first few claims against global warming stated that 1934 was the Hottest Year ever Recorded(2). However it came out later that this observation was based on the temperatures recorded in the United States alone. It proved to be incorrect when the overall average temperature across the entire globe was considered. However, several people still think the claim to be true, as they are not considering the global dimensions which need to be incorporated to arrive at an accurate decision. A second argument against the fact of global warming was from Lord Monckton of
Brenchley , a self proclaimed member of the House of Lords, U.K. He made several assertions against global warming. In the first few assertions, he argued that rise in CO2 emission is not harmful.(3) Several scientists
Bibliography: Al Gore. An Inconvenient Truth. The Planetary Emergency of Global Warming and What Can W Do About It,Rodale,2006. Joyeeta Gupta. Our Simmering Planet: What to Do about Global Warming, Zed books, 2006. R. Guha. How much should a person Consume? University of California Press,USA,2006. Jessica Wilson and Stephen Law. A Brief Guide to Global Warming,Constable&Robinson,2006