The second cause of global warming is attributed to man. Human activities such as burning fossil fuels have contributed greatly to global warming. When these fuels are being burned, toxic gases are being released into the atmosphere such as carbon dioxide. When these gases are released, the solar energy is trapped which automatically causes the temperature to increase.…
Glaciers are melting, sea levels are rising, forests are drying and wildlife is suffering, these are all results of the apparent rise in global temperatures and it has become more obvious that humans over centuries are releasing harmful heat-trapping gases into the atmosphere known as greenhouse gases. The greenhouse effect causes the increase in global temperature as the gases which are released into the atmosphere allow light to be entered, but prevents heat from escaping.…
There are many questions about global warming, from its causes to its effects, and many people even question whether or not it even exists. Global warming is described as the increase of the average temperature of the Earth caused by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases produced by human activities, such as deforestation, use of fertilizers, fossil fuel combustion and cement production. According to the global warming theory, the intensification of industrial activities during the twentieth century (based on the fossil fuel combustion such as petrol and coal) increased the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere.…
the earth is constantly going through periods of warming and cooling. The earth has a…
Global warming refers to an increase in global temperatures that happens at a gradual scale and has been attributed to the greenhouse gasses produced by industries through the release of chlorofluorocarbons, carbon dioxide and many other air pollutants (Haldar). The gasses trap heat energy from the sun causing the gradual increase in temperatures. Global warming has had negative impacts on many ecosystems around the world among them droughts, unpredictable weather patterns, sea level rises and retreating of the major ice sheets due to melting. Global warming has had an effect even on the arctic tundra. Most researchers agree that human activity is the most responsible for causing global warming.…
Global warming is a major issue in society. It has entered political speeches, agendas, pop culture, and sparks scientific debate. Global warming has been said to be responsible for heat waves, the rise of sea levels, flooding, drought, malnutrition, water pollution, and spread of disease. There is proof that the Earth’s temperature has risen, but is that really a threat?…
Man-made Global warming is a false unproven ideology based on no scientific evidence, and is supposedly caused by natural gases (like carbon dioxide and methane) that are produced, and have been produced, by many organisms and even geological features many years before human kind even started using fossil fuels. In fact over 97% of all greenhouse gases are produced naturally. Case in point; India's population of over one billion people produces more carbon dioxide just by breathing than is produced by all the coal-burning power plants in the United States. According to the USGS (The United States Geological Survey) the world’s volcanoes generate about two hundred million tons of carbon dioxide annually.…
There are always two sides to every story and every different point of view has a right to be heard. When it comes to the discussion of global warming there are two very distinct points of view. The world seems to be split between global warming being caused by humans and it being a natural occurrence. This paper will discuss the two views in depth, followed by my opinion about the global warming phenomena.…
The basic physics of global warming are pretty straightforward. Carbon dioxide reflects energy in the infrared region, rather than letting it pass through, leading to greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect heats the Earth because greenhouse gases absorb outgoing radiative energy and re-emit some of it back towards earth. This was first discovered by Svante Arrhenius back in 1896. Burning coal and oil releases carbon dioxide (CO2), these two resources are what we use most to live the way we do today. We have direct measurements of CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere going back more than fifty years, and these measurements confirm that concentrations are rising rapidly. Though natural amounts of CO2 have varied from 180 to 300 parts per million (ppm), today 's CO2 levels are around 390 ppm, that 's 30% more than the highest natural levels. Scientists have confirmed with this information that the unnatural levels of CO2 are indeed manmade (How we know human activity is causing warming).…
My thesis statement was a multiple sentence statement. It included linking Global Warming to relatable everyday situations, and the author trying to inform others about global warming.…
The main cause of global warming is thought to be the 'greenhouse effect' that is mainly caused by us humans. With an increase in temperature glaciers worldwide are melting faster than the time taken for new ice layers to form, sea water is getting hotter and expanding causing sea levels to rise, rivers overflow due to melting glaciers causing floods, forest fires are on the rise, and innumerable undesired effects are taking place due to global warming.…
One cause contributing to the increased average of global temperatures is the increase of carbon dioxide and other “greenhouse” gases in our atmosphere. The greenhouse effect causes an increase in the Earth’s temperature from atmospheric gases, including carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide, disrupts the cycle of energy by trapping the outgoing energy from the Earth, which is supposed to be on its way back to space (Shah, 2012). Instead, the energy is retained on Earth; causing natural temperature to increase as well as polluting the air. Human activity has contributed to this natural effect through the excessive burning of fossil fuels since these fuels rapidly release carbon dioxide into our atmosphere while not removing the gas, which leaves high levels of CO2…
Global warming can bring many long-lasting and devastating consequences to Earth and all its occupants. It is a well-known fact that global warming is real and is caused by human activity, primarily the burning of fossil fuels that pump carbon dioxide (CO₂), methane and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.…
Global warming is the rising of the temperature on the Earth’s surface and atmosphere. There are many causes that help increase Global Warming and greenhouse gases is an important factor. Greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide are very harmful to the environment as well as to humans.. The Industrial Revolution in the 19th is a major cause of global warming. It has resulted in the increase of the nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide (Greenhouse Gases) in our atmosphere, resulting our Earth to heat up causing the ice caps to melt, rising the sea levels, increased coastal, unusual weather patterns and ocean currents, and consequent threats to the survival of some living things.…
“With all of the hysteria, all of the fear, all of the phony science, could it be that man-made global warming is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people? It sure sounds like it,” said James M. Inhofe a member of the U.S. Senate. Could this be the true? Many facts behind the controversial issue of global warming prove this statement to correct. Global warming is not caused by human activities.…