As globalisation is a double-edged sword, and it cannot be turned back, whether we are in favor of globalization or are against it, it is definitely an ever-expanding process (Yusuf 2007). With the advancement in transportation and communication technology, including news media and the widespread use of the internet, the process of g lobalization becomes more and more speed-up and apparent, which has a direct and significant influence on the cultural dimensional aspect of each part of the world, either positively or negatively.
In present world, some economic and political entities such as the United Nations, European Union, NAFTA, ASEAN and Mercosur stand before us as the most important indicators of this current status.
However, as for the political and cultural dimension of globalization, we are confronted via the world media with an agenda reflecting the downfall of the national state model and with the prevalence in recent times of the terms and fears known as cultural “homogenisation” and micronationalism. (Yusuf 2007)
As globalisation is a three dimensional term, encompassing political, economical and cultural aspects (Emre 1997), among which economics is the most important dimension that affects politics, and politics in return affects economics, and both of these affect the cultural dimension of globalisation, therefore, it is perceived by many researchers that some nation states being weakened as a source of national identity due to globalisation.
A good example can be found in that developed nations and popular name brand manufacturers have begun locating their production sites in less developed or developing countries where labor is inexpensive. Consequently, increasing standardisation of and commodification of consumption can create or change cultural values, as well as function to strengthen cultural identity, or even
References: Barber RB 2009, 'Jihad vs. McWorld ', In: G. Ritzer., ed. 2009. McDonaldization: The Reader. 3 ed. Pine Forge Press, Thousand Oaks, California. Hirst P and Thompson G 1999, Globalization in Question, second edition, Polity Press, Cambridge. IMF (International Monetary Fund), 2007, ‘World Economic Outlook-Globalization and Inequality’