* “Globalization is a process in which worldwide economic, political, cultural, and social relations have become increasingly mediate across time and space” (Rantanen, 2005:3). Globalization is the process that keep on going and there would be no exactly time when it started. Even globalization has already started along time ago when people did migration to all over the world. However Globalization in the context of media, there are only two periods of time. The first periods when television was invented as a number one media that commonly used. The second periods of globalization when the Internet was invented, because new media influence and change the habit of people for consuming media. The tools and the contents of media is almost the same on every country and how people receive it also the same. This statement is one of the evidence that illustrate the indication of homogeneous nowadays.
* There are several issues of globalization make the world homogeneous; one of them is media and cultural convergence. As the development of technology, it influences the development of media. Currently there are several tools or platform that have multifunction. This kind of new tool is called media convergence, where we can access and receive any information from one media. New media is the latest development of media that have several advantages rather than conventional media. The increasing of the accessibility of media, because media turns into digital and mobile world where every people could access media anywhere and anytime. Patterns of media consumption increased due to the emergence of new media, As Mansell (1999) said that “The rapid growth of communication network capacity and electronic sources of information is threatening the economic interests of many existing firms on the supply side of the new media markets”. Nowadays the world have new platform of media that commonly used by every one.
References: Mansel, D, 1999. New media competition and access: the scarcity- abundance dialectic, retrieved on 11 September 2012 < > Redfield, R., Linton, R., & Herskovits, M.H. (1936). Memorandum on the study of acculturation. American Anthropologist, 38, 149-152, retrieved on 11 September 2012 < >