Student NO.: 220083xxx
Unit: PDAS 311
Unit Coordinator: Professor X
Assignment: one
Topic: one
Due Date: Friday, 30 March 2012, 11:59 PM
Words account: 2642
Globalization is the trend toward greater political, economic, and cultural interdependence among national institutions and economies. Globalization is a trend characterized by denationalization (national boundaries becoming less relevant) and is different from internationalization (entities cooperating across national boundaries). The greater interdependence that globalization is causing means an increasingly freer flow of goods, services, money, people, and ideas across national borders (Wild, Wild, and Han 2010: 34-35). Globalization embraces concepts and theories from political science, sociology, anthropology, and philosophy as well as economics. According to Veech (1), during the last four decades of the 19th century, the first industrial revolution occurred with the application of steam engine and later telephone and airplane. This revolution promoted the international trade and investment, which caused the first age of globalization. From the Second World War to now, the advent of the computer and the information disseminate the processes efficiency drive the globalization into a new era (Evans, Philip, Würster and Thomas 1999: 51). The technology promoted the globalization keep going to fit the world’s economies development. Although, globalization, as defined above, it really contributes to international trade and investment, it brings costs as well. The essay firstly illustrates what the term of “globalization” with explanations