Nowadays we are all connected with each other like never before. Globalization has spread as fast as fire because of the generous amount of information exchange all over the world and the increased amount of travel. There has always been considerable discussion about whether globalization phenomenon necessary or vice-versa. 46
Globalization is a process and this process makes developments in these countries. First of all, free trade has been established between countries. This means that the countries can produce and import goods without paying heavy tariffs. This leads to the availability of wide range of products at reasonable prices, everywhere in the world. Due to the electronic transfer it is possible to transfer money through banks just by the click of a button. Secondly, with various educational institutions around the world, youth can move out from the home country to better opportunities. Moreover, the migration of people which has become easier has led to better jobs opportunities. 86
On the other hand, globalization has some disadvantages. The major disadvantage of the globalization in the economic sphere is that it has made the rich richer and left the poor poorer. Furthermore, although globalization increases employment's rate in new market, meanwhile unemployment's rate increase in developed countries.
And also the media of powerful nations has the power to circulate the information to every corner of the world, which means that they get to decide which information has to be shared and what should be the opinion of the people. It also ruins the personal identify of the culture by westernizing. 85
Overall, globalization is a broad, contentious, multifaceted issue that affects people and cultures around the world. In my point of view, we cannot ignore effects of globalization on our life. It is responsible for government in every country to create balance between advantages and disadvantages of globalization. 45