Presently in the entire world, globalization has become a vastly practiced trend. It does not need consideration as an avenue for global instability but as a platform for the existence of unified global markets. It is not only limited to its homogenization characteristic but also affects the cultural identity. Culture is of the people and therefore it can be accepted or denied to result into an influence or not. This has been there for quite long until nowadays due to technology, the situation is changing fast. Cultural differences do not get effects by the development of globalization as it practices the culture of grouping. Currently with globalization, people tend to concentrate more on the originality and specificity of their culture. A nation puts emphasis on having its own cultural identity in order to remain important globally. Globalization actually advocates for cultural identity even through the science and technology involved. The world in its diversity at large should accept globalization as tool of unity and encourage it because of the promising integration results that accompany it (Smith, 2000). The impacts of globalization on cultural identity is quite broad and viewed by various parties differently The development and practice of globalization puts an end to boundaries and creates a new platform for different cultures. Globalization should be considered a development oriented initiative as it causes an improvement to the economy, dispenses information, initiates a global village, and networks the globe. When globalization and cultural identity are related, there results great paradoxes while globalization itself is potentially capable enforcing and developing the society, encourage group identity, enable representation and even provide job opportunities to the society (Moahi, 2007). Apart from this positive impact of globalization, it also has the ability to continue colonization, encourage the loss of cultural identity, and cause
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