Sharing core knowledge in international collaborations could be a disadvantage due to the possibility of information leak and duplication of products and services around the world. The idea of sharing core knowledge is a disadvantage in the global economy for both the employer and employees. Many products and services have been duplicated in China due to the fast transfer of information. Obstacles in cultural differences can be overcome through education and experience through trial and error. Many nations fear the impact of globalization on their cultures, with the possibility of ‘Mc Donaldization,’ or American culture replacing other cultures around the world. Though not practical, globalization in its purest form would be one world culture, one world economy, one political power and one language. The United States at one time enjoyed one third of the world economy; however, that imbalance is rapidly in changing in today’s global economy. Entrepreneurs must check the company’s strengths and weaknesses at an international level before deciding to go global, because the wrong decision could cost the company at both domestic and international markets. Unions have come to understand that they are at a national disadvantage when confronting global employers. The current strategy of forming councils of unions around the world to bargain with their common employers has not been very successful. Unions will gain footing over time due to the advancement in communication and other technologies.
There are many downfalls to sharing knowledge in international collaborations and global projects. According to Vittal S. Anantamula from the perspective of the company, the core knowledge is a prized property that creates a competitive advantage since competitors cannot easily replicate it; however, this will be lost in international collaborations (Anantatmula, 2010). From the employee’s standpoint, a person would not want to share his or her
References: Anantatmula, V. S. (2010). Impact of cultural differences on knowledge management in global projects. Emerald Group Publishing, Ltd. Retrieved from Pro Quest. Meyerson, H. (2010). Can the workers of the world unite? The American Prospect. Retrieved form Pro Quest. Stehr, C. (2009). Small and medium sized enterprises and their globalization strategy. International Council for Small business. Retrieved from Pro Quest. Unions address the challenges of globalization. (2008). Dispute Resolution Journal. Retrieved from Pro Quest. Warlaumont, H. G. (2010). Social networks and globalization: Facebook, YouTube and the impact of online communities on france’s protectionist policies. Palgrave Macmillan. Retrieved from Pro Quest.