Topic: International Terrorism Is a Product of Globalization
Course: Academic Reading & Writing II
Instructor: George Rueckert
Written by: Vakhobov Rustamjon; ID: 20111496 [pic]
Almaty 2012
International Terrorism Is a Product of Globalization
Thesis Statement: Globalization has been mostly a positive phenomenon in past decades, but since 9/11 it has been the major factor in the expansion of international terrorism. I. Globalization is a complex process of global integrations in different aspects of life. A. Globalization is a new phase in global history B. The burden of globalization has increased to the world 1. The first phase of globalization is transition of civilizations from nomadic to agrarian and commercial. 2. The second phase of globalization covers the Western colonization 3. The third phase is the phase of technology and internet. C. “Globalization is Americanization and its human face is Michael Jordan.” D. The United States is a unipolar superpower. 1. Globalization has caused instability in the United States 2. The separation of power will help overcome the problem of terrorism II. International terrorism is the product of globalization A. The relationship between globalization and terrorism exists. B. International terrorism develops in parallel with the globalization of technology and the internet. 1. The World Wide Web (www) is compared to the development of Al-Qaeda. 2. Al-Qaeda is the most dangerous terrorist organization. C. “The Migration of Dreams and Nightmares” is written by Jamal Nassar. 1. Terrorist organizations around the globe benefit from globalization. 2. Money laundering, drug trafficking and weapon trading are easier for terrorists when there are weaker boundaries between states. 3.