Introduction Globalization through dam building (for electricity) and tourism (for economic security), has imposed positive and negative effects on many countries and cultures. This paper focuses on tourisms impact on Jamaica and the consequences dams have had in Thailand. For both countries globalization has had both advantages and disadvantages.
Tourisms Effect on Jamaica Globalization through tourism has had a significant effect on Jamaica. Originally, tourism was intended to profit the country by tourist spending. It was believed the economy would grow from an increase in job availability. Also, the conjecture of most Jamaicans was the hotels generated tourist spending which provided a growing economy. Unfortunately, what was intended to be the main source of income for Jamaica also became the cause of several negative circumstances. Tourism has not benefited the countries economic issues. Monies brought in are now being used to battle the increased waste disposal concerns, water shortages, and low paying jobs. “Jamaicans typically work as maids and kitchen help, even as prostitutes in the tourist industry. Sewage from these facilities often empties into the ocean which along with siltation, pesticides, overfishing, and physical destruction including anchors from cruise ships destroy coral reefs and marine life.” (Harper, Jack .2003). Most Jamaicans have become disillusioned with the promise of economic freedom from tourism. Conflict over the advantages and disadvantages of tourism in Jamaica has continued.
Dams Effect on Thailand Hydroelectric projects are increasing around the world in consequence to rising energy needs. These dams have had both positive and negative impacts in Thailand economically and culturally. Hydroelectric power has provided substantial economic benefits by energy sales. One such dam built to bring hydropower to communities in Thailand was Pak
References: Harper, Jack. (May 2003). Published on Global Exchange. Globalization: It’s Effects in Jamaica Richardson, Michael. (2009). Dams in China Turn the Mekong Into a River of Discord. Yale Global online Magazine Blake, Haley. (August 11, 2009). Global envision exploring market driven solution to poverty. Mekong Dams Cause a Stir Hance, Jeremy. (April 13, 2011). Opposition rises against Mekong dam as governments ponder Decision 2000). Retrieved from.