The term globalization denotes “globe” as a single market.
Product presence in different Markets of the world.
Production base across the globe.
Human resources from all over the world.
International investment
Transaction involving IPRs.
The advent in ICI(information, communication and technology)
Rapid economic liberalization of trade and investment
The mobility of people and transactional moves
The reach of satellite channels, internet etc.
IMF defines globalization as “ The growing economical interdependence of countries worldwide through increase in volume and variety of cross border transactions in goods and services and of international capital flows and also through the more rapid and wide spread diffusion of technology”
Charles Hill defines globalization “it is a shift towards more integrated and interdependent world economy”
It has two components
1. Globalization of markets
2. Globalization of production
Globalization refers to the free cross border movements of goods and services, capital, information and people. It is the process of creating network connections among the actors of multinational distances mediated through a variety of flaws.
Westernatization, wallmartization, Americanization, Mcdonalization, disnaffication, coco-colonization
FACTORS AFFECTING GLOBALIZATION/ DRIVERS OF GLOBALIZATION establishment of GATT(General Agreement of trade and tariff) and WTO regional integration
NAFTA, ASZN, European union, SAARC, OPEZ, European integration declining trade barriers-tarrifs and quotas growth in foreign direct investment advancement in technology emergence of international monetary fund.
1. Globalization of markets
2. Globalization of production
3. Globalization of investment
4. Globalization of technology
Globalization of markets: integrating and merging as the world market a s single market.
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