Executive Summary
McDonald’s is one the largest fastest growing fast-food restaurant in the world. McDonald’s have become a household name across the world. The fast food giant has come a long way from being just a burger stand in San Bernardino, California in 1940. The original owners were two brothers, Richard and Maurice McDonald. The hot dog stand evolved into a restaurant offering 25 items on the menu. In 1947, Richard and Maurice (going forward the “McDonald Brothers”) decided to shutdown the restaurant to renovate to improve the business. The McDonald Brothers wanted to meet the demands of their customers, young and on the move. The idea was to create a Speedee Service Systems, known today as Fast-Food. These brothers had no Idea the level of success that was to come, but they knew what they had was great. In 1953, based off the practices of White Castle, the McDonald Brothers decided to franchise their successful restaurant. Always looking for ways to improve, in 1954, the McDonald Brothers came in contact with Ray Kroc, a Multimixer milkshake machine salesman. They wanted a milkshake machine that could make more than one shake at time. Ray Kroc noticed the success of this restaurant and wanted to seize the opportunity to become a part of this great franchised organization. Ray Kroc took McDonald’s to Des Plaines, IL and began opening new restaurants all over Illinois. Today, McDonald’s touches lives every day all around the world.
Now in 2011, McDonald’s has over 32,000 restaurants worldwide and are in over 119 countries. McDonalds has saturated the U.S. with restaurants and maximized their growth opportunities. It is important for McDonalds as a company to pursue globalization investments. China is one country that has been great for McDonalds but challenging as well. China is the largest populated state in the world with over 1.3 billion people. China is the fastest growing major economy and
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