January 3, 2015
English 2B
Ms. Carey
Word count: 634 The Globe Theatre In this research paper for and about the Globe Theatre (located in England), I will tell you facts about Elizabethan theatres, most of the success of this theatre, and the Globes past, present, and future. People today still have replicas of the Globe Theater practically in every continent. The Globe Theatre is one of the oldest theatres in documented time. Performers have been using the Globe for centuries .Some of the greatest in their time such as Shakespeare and his team of actors, writers, and directors ,worked and or performed there .There are also many facts about Elizabethan theatres and the Globe Theatre …show more content…
history present and future .In all the Globe Theatre was a great place for Shakespeare’s history. Facts about Elizabethan theatres including facts such as theatres are used for immoral purposes such as bear baiting, and gambling (note immoral in this time period.) Theatres attracted big crowds up to 3000 persons per show.
Having such big crowds the actors made a little “SIDE CASH” for letting people view the show from a stage floor door pit. There was a door under stage called “hell” for actors to use for special effects. Color coding was used for advertising what play would be held, such as white for comedy, red for history, and black for tragedy. “The Globe theater was not usually associated with the use of props” “the Globe theater props would have started with easily moveable objects”, however when the globe became more popular they invested more time and used props like “benches, tables, beds, thrones, cave, wells, …show more content…
cannons” Most people who would like to go see the Globe theatre or people who are interested in the renaissance time period often wonder or explore about how it was like and how it was like now for instance how was visiting a play? Plays were held in the afternoon at the Globe Theatre, they held the plays at that time to use the sunlight from the open roof. An audience was surrounding all sides of the stage. The famous phrase “The whole worlds a stage” was displayed above the main entrance.Although at the time “totus mundus agit histriom” meaning “the whole worlds a playhouse.” Plays? Plays were performed as we know were in year spans. The first play was performed in 1599. It is highly known Shakespeare would not popular without the Globe. The history and present of the Globe is often wondered and explored.
The globe opened in 1599. The globe was built from a previous theater. Records say the globe opened with the play Henry V. The globe burnt down in 1613 it was rebuilt in 1614. The fire was started when an staged cannon went off during a production of Henry VIII. However like all the Elizabethan theaters the Globe Theatre was shut down by the puritans in 1642. In 1970 plans for the new globe were made however was not built in 196 and was built on the same site as the original. When the Globe Theatre started and began its history in 1599, it started a long legacy for traditions of theater even till today. Although rebuilt and shut down in 1600’s it still has an aspiring success and history. Elizabethan theaters had a major role in the renaissance period. The Globe Theatre being one of the greatest in its time, played a great deal in the discovery of
“The Globe theater”playshakespeare.com N.P, 2005 .web nov-dec.2014
Mabillard,Amanda. “The Globe Theatre” Shakespeareonline. 20 Aug ,2008 http://www.shakespeare-online.com/theater/globe.html.
Gurr,Andrew. “Globe theater (historical,Theater,London,United Kingdom).” Encyclopedia Britannica Online .Encyclopedia Britannica ,20 jan.2014.web 11Dec,2014
“The new globe theatre,London” The new Globe Theatre,London.N.P,N.D.web.11 Dec,2014.
“Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre Facts” No sweat Shakespeare Rss2.N.P,28 Apr.2012.web.11 Dec 2014
“shakespeare’s Globe Theatre.” Shakespeare at AbsoluteShakespeare.com.N.P.,2000-05.web.10 Dec.2014