Gluten Sensitivity Prevalence and Validity
Gluten sensitivity is clearly recognized in the context of celiac disease and wheat allergy. Recently however, a prevalence of complaints of symptoms (inflammation, joint pain, bloating, fogginess, etc..) in response to ingesting "gluten," raises new questions in the research and validity of Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity (NCGS.) For years, I have personally dealt with pain, inflammation and bloating. It was not until a whole battery of tests, ranging from visits to various specialists and repeated blood test, that I finally went the alternative route and visited Northampton Wellness Associates in Northampton, where more extensive testing is available.
My NP couldn’t explain the anemia on my blood charts. She had ruled out an iron, B-12 deficiency and various other causes of Anemia. I began to suspect that the Headaches, Depression, bloating, Arthritic pain and swelling of the joints may be caused by inflammation (an autoimmune response.) The Drs. at Northampton Wellness suggested testing for gluten sensitivity. (A test not administered by my primary care team.) And indeed a gluten sensitivity showed up. In order to rule out Celiac disease I would have to undergo a biopsy of my intestines. Needless to say, I said “no thanks” to that.
Now came the real challenge: Going gluten free and observing the results. What transpired was nothing short of astonishing!
The headaches disappeared almost completely and the joint pain and inflammation is reduced by over 80%. Wow, I thought, all my life I have dealt with some of these issues and they only seemed to be getting worse. And here they are nearly all gone with one simple change.
Relief is a gross understatement in describing how I now feel. Relieved and grateful.
This leads me to question how valid this diet is for the general population. Is Gluten
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