Before citing a source in a paper, you want to thoroughly investigate the source itself as well as the author to make sure the piece is credible.
Your assignment: Before you begin the writing task, read the module on summary and evaluation paragraphs in Bb. This will give you guidance on how to complete items two and three, below.
Next, conduct a search using any of the online databases available through our library or Google Scholar, locating an article that supports the thesis of your proposed research topic. (The sources you use here should be different than the sources you have used in any previous assignments). Then, answer the following questions about that source and its author.
Steps in locating the source
1. Share with me in a step-by-step summary of the route you took to locate your source. Include the steps you took to determine if the author was a credible source. (More detail is better than less, here.) You may erase the steps as typed below and create your own list of steps if needed to help with formatting.
1. Step One: Visit COCC’s library, access Articles and More, choose Academic Search Premier, log in. 2. Step Two: Search- Gluten-free 3. Step Three: Make sure you check full text 4. Step Four: There is over 5 pages and 864 results for Gluten-free, so I narrowed it down by adding in the search engine-Costs. 5. Step Five: The results brought me down to 2 pages and 17 results. 6. Step Six: The 1st result was the closet to my topic. The Academic Journal title is “Limited availability and higher costs of gluten-free foods,” by Singh, J. and Whelan, K. 7. Step Seven: Review the abstract, by reading the abstract this article sounds like a very interesting and helpful article for my report. 8. Step Eight: Look into the author’s credentials, and where it was originally printed. In the author afflictions it let me knows that
References: Singh, J. and Whelan, K. “Limited Availability and Higher Costs of Gluten-Free Foods.” Journal Of Human Nutrition & Dietetics 24.5 (2011): 479-486 Nutrition & Dietetics 20.5 (2007):423-430. Academic Search Premier. Web. 5 May 2013 P.H.R Kuchment, Anna. “Coffee, Tea or Gluten-free?” Newsweek 136.10 (2000): 66. Academic Search Premier