I’m going to tell you why it is so bad to have gmo foods in the world that we live in.I’m against GMO foods because it is not healthy and it won’t end too well if they make that happen. Gmo foods are not good for the human body. It can cause cancer, allergies, and other side effects it can damage your environment. Environmental Damage
When growing plants or raising livestock in environmental conditions that normally wouldn’t support them, there is the potential of reversed damaging that environment. This is often seen through GMO crossbreeding weeds, for example, that can be crossed with GMO plants can often become resistant to herbicides, creating the need for more GMO efforts.These crops can damage other crops nearby. …show more content…
Gmo foods take just a long time to grow and take just as much effort to grow, meaning that there is no real economic value to growing GMO foods when compared to non-GMO foods.The prices on gmo foods are cheaper than other foods. Why? because they want you to spend all your money on foods that have been changed or grown again. Foods they breed.They want you to believe that this food isn’t going to harm your kids or you when the truth is this food can harm even your dog.A growth of allergic reactions in the general population.
Time and time again, studies have shown that the thought of GMO foods increases the risk of food- based allergies in people. If someone develops an allergy to soy because of GMO efforts, then if livestock eats the GMO soy as well, that person would have a high chance of an allergic reaction from eating the animal meat. I feel like this can harm children i don’t think that kids or anybody should eat this food. I don’t agree with the side effects or the allergic reactions it gives