Shortly afterwards it was realized that several government officials were cracking down on ultrasound machines. It was reported that government officials had been confiscating ultrasound machines because they were being used illegally to determine the sex of unborn children. Many doctors and nurses had violated India’s Prenatal Diagnostic Techniques Act of 1994. Consequently 102 clinics had their registrations suspended, police seized 112 ultra sound machines, and 3 suppliers – including Wipro GE Healthcare was accused of supplying machines to these clinics without government registration (Wicks, Andrew C. 2010). Overall this whole issue constitutes towards the sex-gender ratio in India. In 2001, there were 927 girls to every 1000 boys. From the 1980’s and 1990’s it is presumed that more than 10 million girls had been aborted (Wicks, Andrew C. 2010). This speaks to the Indian cultural itself
References: Promoting Ethical Ultrasound Use in India (2009, January). In General Electric. Retrieved September 30, 2014, from Wicks, A. C. (2010). Business ethics: A Managerial Approach. Boston: Prentice Hall.