-change is inevitable and business is different from 20 years ago * Information tech in /new workplace * Knowledge workers provide a competitive (decisive) factor * Knowledge/intell capital are irreplaceable resources * Productivity of knowledge worker depends on computer/info compentency
-stages of development in e-comm * Secure an online identity * Establish a web presence * Enable ecommerce * Utilize a service app model * Provide customer relationship management
IT facilitates communication through info sharing, reduction in the # of middle managers, better org. structure, excellent coordination and control
IT Breaks barriers : * People, and teams are better connected * Less levels of management (flatter organization) * Customer relationship/supply chain management improved * More things are done through partnerships and outsourcing
* IT builds relationships with external environment * Its changed the new workplace (email, P2P file sharing) * Info is data made for decision making (data is raw facts/observations) * Good info must be timely (entering market on time in order to gain market share) high quality, complete, relevant, understandable (market the product, language)
* The role info plays in management process * Data –info—decision making * Info exchanges with external env/within the organization
Internal/external info needs of organization diagram * Intelligence info: gathered from stakeholders and external env. * Internal info: flows up and down across the organization * Public info: spread out to stakeholders and ext envi * Info system * MIS management info sys * DSS Decision supply system (helps in decision making process) * AI artif intelligence –the use of robotics for management * ES expert system –the use of AI for specific activities * EDI electronic data intrerchange