Essay Question: the process of discovery can cause a person to question their view of the world.
An individual’s discoveries and their process of discovering can vary according to personal, cultural, historical and social contexts and values. Discoveries may be questioned or challenged when viewed from different perspectives and their worth may be reassessed over time. The six participants Raye, Raquel, Adam, Glenny, Darren and Roderick in the documentary “Go Back to Where You Came From” found their discoveries very confronting and provocative. It lead them to new worlds and values, stimulate new ideas and has enabled them to speculate about future possibilities. The six Australians undertake a journey to discover the life of a refugee. Their discoveries offered them a new understanding and reviewed their perceptions of refugees. Therefore, their process of discovery had made them to question their view of the world.
“Go back to Where You Came From” is a social experiment that was on the SBS channel. In this reality show six ordinary Australians Raye, Raquel, Glenny, Adam, Darren and Roderick undertake a journey in the life of a refugee. The main purpose of this show is to build empathy for refugees and allow audience to understand the risks and dangers on their dangerous journey to safety. Along with the six Australians the audience also gets a chance to discover and live the life of a refugee.
The participants, some of whom have never before left Australia, begin their journeys. They are rescued from a leaky boat off the coast of Darwin; live with refugees in Malaysia before bearing witness to a raid; discover the daily struggle to survive in one of the world’s biggest refugee camps in Kenya; and experience life in the slums of Jordan. In the final episode, protected by UN Peacekeepers and the US military, they experience for themselves two of the world’s most dangerous cities, Goma in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Baghdad in Iraq. The