| physical activity needs to be strenuous enough to result in weight loss for it to be of benefit in type 2 diabetes…
Exercising will burn off fat cells lowering their number and strengthening the walls of the ones that remain. Your food intake will be less as long as you keep exercising.…
Please define a measurable physical activity goal related to a specific area of fitness you think this product will improve that relates to improving your performance in a specific activity.…
Greif mentions that the “gym resembles a voluntary hospital” he makes a very valid point. He gives strong examples that makes this argument serious by mentioning every machine is a part of tracking your…
Step counting and logging was one topic that interested me. In Plan A, Mitchell et al. (2008) recommend that you purchase a step counter, which “monitors your physical activity by counting the number of steps you take” (p.98-102). Years ago I bought a pedometer but felt that it wouldn’t really provide me with any necessary benefits so I stopped using it. After reading this section of the book I began to use my pedometer again while at work. I found that I actually don’t walk as much as it appears while at work. This was a good eye opener for me. It also gave me incentive to start taking the stairs instead of the elevator, walking the halls when I find myself getting sleepy, or parking my car further out at work (Mitchell et al., 2008, p.107). Logging my activities at the beginning was tedious at first. After encouraging myself to stick with it for at least a week, it became just a part of my…
The article simply explains how something so small and inexpensive can make and huge impact in your life. It states the obvious; exercising will reduce the risk of many diseases including Coronary Artery Disease. It is considered the nation's leading cause of death. The small unit offers many benefits to your health, but it also expands on the design and many features available.…
Many service users hope and want to lead extremely active lifestyles. So with regards to an activity such as the gym, as part of our responsibility…
In addition, gym memberships have increased from 41.3 million in 2005 to 50.2 million in 2012 (Fagan, 2014). Living a healthy lifestyle has become increasingly important to people in today’s society. Get Fit will be able to provide a convenient and easily accessible way for people to choose the exercise of their choice at the time that is suitable to them. Instead of going to a packed gym, or exercise classes at a specific time, consumers can exercise on their schedule and with more privacy in a small group or individually.…
After a twelve-hour work day, rushing home to the kids and to cook supper, is there ever any time to exercise? The benefits of exercise strongly outweigh the reasons to sit on the couch and eat potato chips. Most of our population is not only obese but out of shape. If a person is five feet four inches and two hundred pounds does not mean they are out of shape. They may not be in their average suggested weight, but if their muscle percentage is more than their fat, then they are above most of the population. Muscle weighs more than fat, so gaining muscle means gaining healthy weight. Exercise is addicting and fun, once you see the results, it is hard to stop. Even though we have such busy lives, finding time to make ourselves healthy is important.…
Greg Last, a local doctor, shared the following story about obesity, “I’ve been a physician for nearly forty years but it wasn’t until just recent years I’ve seen staggering amounts of patients with chronic illnesses related to an inactive and overfed lifestyle,” (Last). Here, in America obesity rates are on what seems to be an unstoppable incline. Recent statistics show that from 1980 to 2000 obesity rates more than doubled. It was then described as reaching epidemic proportions not much later by a prominent U.S. surgeon. “Americans now consume 2,700 calories a day, about 500 calories more than 40 years ago. In 2010, we still ranked as the world’s fattest developed nation, with an obesity rate more than double that of many European nations” (Ambinder 4). Karen Ravn said, “Now more than ever, we as parents and a nation must do something about the growth of obesity in our children. We must do more than just talk, we must be concerned enough to act.” Many Americans suffer long-term, negative effects because of obesity. Some may assume that the source of an obese nation is merely a struggle with proper nutrition and dieting. They are sadly misinformed. The causes of this illness that is sweeping the nation have been traced back to a lack of an education in nutrition, the vast number of unhealthy food options introduced to Americans on a daily basis, and an overall air of laziness and distaste for any form of physical activity. Because no one’s lives are stress free, many find it hard to stay ahead of the looming obesity monster just waiting for its chance to pounce. “Though certain factors may not be able to be controlled, that doesn’t mean that one should give up a well-deserved chance to celebrate life in a healthy, positive way…” (Ravn). As it was stated many do not realize or choose to take advantage of the power that they have over their lives. They believe that change is not possible or even probable. If this very outlook were to change all of America…
With a start up of $250000 and venture capital funding of $6 million, Striiv, a fun, fancy new pedometer is to be launched during the holiday season. The marketing plan has been detailed in this presentation. Perhaps, Striiv will be the answer to that “get healthy” New Year’s resolution.…
Coronary heart disease is America's leading cause of death. Physical inactivity is the single greatest factor leading to this disease. As a result, exercise is especially important to public health. Bicycling and walking can fill America's physical void of inactivity and make a major contribution to health. Moderate activity, such as walking from thirty to sixty minutes a day, several days a week, is…
|Cardiorespiratory Fitness |Being able to exercise at a |Walk 2 miles at a brisk |Reduced the risk of heart |…
Want to be sharper at work? Feel less tired at home? Spend some quality time with your spouse? How about enjoying a cookie without guilt? In this speech, I discussed the problems caused by lack of exercise, how you can become active, and what benefits you will reap from being active. In this speech, I will discuss why working out is essential, what you can do to become more active, and why being active will benefit you. Weight-gain is caused by taking in more calories than you expend. To lose one pound, a person must burn 3,500 calories more than are consumed (500 calories per day over the course of a week). For example, reducing calories by 300 per day and increasing daily activity to burn off an additional 200 calories should result in a weight loss of one pound per week. Lack of exercise causes two major problems:…
Some devices already being implemented into society are biometric monitors. Such as heartrate sensors and exercise tracking devices (Fitbit, etc…). These can automatically connect to the internet via wireless connection (Bluetooth, WiFi, NFC) to a phone or computer and upload the data that they have been reading from your body. Such as heartrate, perspiration, distance traveled and speed, Calories burned, etc. This data can then be compared daily to see trends or can be reviewed to look for health issues that may be prevalent in your family. People can use them to improve results in weight loss or notify local authorities if…