Course: Housekeeping Management
Go green concept:
Few years ago when climate change really started to come into focus and people began to think how to protect our mother Earth and of the ways to create a sustainable hospitality industry, many hotels and resorts started their green programs being a first choice for many guests and travelers since last decade.
Governments are also encouraging their people to go green while traveling. Statistics of the US only shows that 43 millions of the Americans are ecologically concerned and that many travelers all over the globe are now putting hotels and airlines which have a sustainability agenda and green programs at their first preference.
Green Behind the Scenes:
Floor care chemicals such as cleaners, strippers, restorers and finishes are of particular concern to environmental advocates and hotel properties eager to transfer from conventional cleaning systems to those that are green. One of the key problems with many traditional chemicals is that they can release large amounts of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which can impair indoor air quality and trigger headaches, respiratory problems and other ailments among staff and guests
“The VOC level of a traditional floor-finish stripper typically is about 15 to 30 percent,” says Mike Sawchuk, vice president and general manager of Enviro-Solutions, a manufacturer of green cleaning products. “On the other hand, a green-certified floor-finish remover may have a VOC content of less than 6 percent.”
According to Sawchuk, some of the other ingredients of concern in conventional floor care products include 2-butoxy ethanol, which is often found in floor strippers and considered a possible carcinogen, and EGME (ethylene glycol methyl ether) and EGEE (ethylene glycol ethyl ether), which are found primarily in floor finishes and have been associated with eye, skin, and ear infections and even birth