I felt my scores were mostly accurate in rating how I feel about communicating because I am not a real shy in communicating with others, so I could get up and talk, if I am prepared.…
Expectancy is the first key component of the Expectancy Theory of Motivation. It can be explained as the belief that the employees have about their ability to meet the performance of a certain level. It is often called the effort-performance relationship. If a person does not believe that they are able to meet their employers performance standards no matter what they do, they will lose all of the motivation that they have.…
My goal was to finish my degree. I used the SMART method to set up this goal. Obtaining my IT Degree is the specific part of the acronym. The way I measure is every time I complete a class. For attainability I know that I will achieve it in the time I have set, and I set a realistic time frame to complete my goal.…
Degree program: Master of Science in Mental Health Counseling with a specialization in Trauma and Crisis Counseling…
In Amy Tan’s novel “ The Joy Luck Club,” and in Bissinger’s novel “ Dreaming Of Heroes,” there are examples of expectations. In the Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan, Jing-Mei was supposed to be a child prodigy according to her mother. In the novel her mother says to her, “ Of course you can be a prodigy, too.” (Amy Tan pg, 132) Jing-Mei’s mother expected her to be a prodigy and Jing-Mei wanted to be for a while until her mother made her do work all the time. This is similar to Bissinger’s novel “ Dreaming Of Heroes” When Billy wanted his son Mike to live out the dream of baseball. He knew that the pitchers were about to get harder and the home runs were not going to come as easily to Mike anymore. Billy knew…
In any court case, whether reality or fictional, it is always important for the prosecution to establish a motive for the defendant for the crime in question. Without a strong motive, it is relatively difficult to prove the defendant’s guilt. Finding a crime without some sort of motive is somewhat difficult because as humans there are usually reasons for every action. Motives not only contribute to what crimes a person may commit but it can also determine what college someone chooses to attend, which career path they may choose, and which spouse they decide to marry. There are many things that may contribute to how each individuals’ motives are originated. This paper will discuss what motivation means, the sources of motivation, and the correlations between motivation and behavior.…
My primary goal in applying to Walden University for Ph.D. program is to prepare myself for a future career in forensic human services administration. Interested in furthering the current body of research and in improving techniques used on the study of the theoretical foundations of organizational behavior and the practice of management and planning. I am very committed to pursuing human services administration and I believe Walden University Ph.D. program will provide me with an excellent foundation in the area of organizational management and planning. With a Ph.D., I will be well prepared to lead a very promising career. While I have no doubt that the program will push me to my limits, I am confident that I can face the rigorous challenges posed by graduate study and thrive under the demanding environment that advanced studies entail.…
There are many types of goals. Growing up, I always dreamed of being two things: a mother and a nurse. I am blessed to have two wonderful children ages 14 and 16 and have had the privilege of being able to be a stay-at-home mom during their younger years. Now that they are older and a bit more independent, I have decided to go back to school and fulfill my goal of earning my degree in Nursing. Throughout the years of growing and maturing, I have learned how important it is to have good morals, values, goals, a passion for something, and a good education. I have not only taught my children the importance of these characteristics, but I have also shown them that regardless of one’s age or stage in life, that…
Assistance Center (LAC). (n.d.). Setting Goals for Yourself, and Motivating Yourself to Succeed. University of Cinicinnati. Retrieved August 20, 2012, from www.umsl.edu/services/css/docs/Goal_Setting_&_Motivation_Workshop_Booklet.pdf…
• Professional milestones: finishing each class will be a milestone, finishing the program will be a milestone towards my long term goal…
My goal as an educator is to receive a Master of Science in Education with a Concentration in Inclusion Education. Even though I do not hold an undergraduate degree in Education, this is where my life path has taken me. Being an educator without an education degree has taught me how to help students learn by thinking outside the box. I currently have a Bachelor of Science in Organizational Communication. I am an Instructor. I am knowledgeable in areas of training using effective communication skills. I am able to explain to others the process and steps it takes to produce a positive outcome.…
Some kids play sports in high school. Others are in the band, take roles in theater, or members of the debate team. Myself, I did not so any of those things, because, since middle school, my life has been fully devoted to practicing my passion for agriculture and preparing for an eventual career in the industry. I never had time for orchestra rehearsals or scrimmages, I was either out in the barn or in the pens in the field, or at plant ID practice, livestock judging workouts, or chapter meetings instead. These things even took the place of milestones such as prom and homecoming dances for me in middle/high school, but, it was completely fine to me, because, I knew my hard work would soon pay off as soon as…
Five basic motivation theories have been developed over the years and used in corporations nation-wide to develop and maintain healthy and strong work environments. Motivation is described as "the individual forces that account for the direction, level, and persistence of a person's effort expended at work" (Schermerhorn, J.R., Hunt, J.G., & Osborn, R.N., 2005). In the hopes to achieve the best work possible from employees, JAMS Toy Store uses different motivation theories with the three main groups of employees; salespeople, production workers, and administrative staff. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, the ERG Theory, the Two-Factor Theory, Equity Theory, and the Expectancy Theory are the five basic motivational theories…
Last year in 2010 Sainsbury’s made a total profit of £585 million form all its stores in the UK. Profit is important for a business because it can be used to reinvested so that no loans are made, innovating ideas to provide an improved product for the customer. If enough profit is not being made then this can’t happen for a business. Sainsbury’s as stated made £585 million but, but compared that to a rival like Tesco is nothing as Tesco made £3…
“Expectations”…what do you think of? “Great Expectations” by Charles Dickens maybe? Whatever the case, all people have expectations. It could be something they expect of others, or something they expect of themselves. It is something you look forward to in the future. It is the motivation, the incentive, people need to keep looking forward to tomorrow—the prospect of something wonderful about to happen. An undergraduate might have expectations of a bright, successful future, a businessman might have expectations of striking the jackpot, a budding designer might have visions of his/her designs domineering the runway, a new star might have dreams of the red carpet……the list goes on and on. But should we really expect so much of ourselves and our lives, really?…