The more traditional “rational” model of a business organization defines the organization as a structure of formal relationships designed to achieve some technical or economical goal with max efficiency.
2. Why should employers care about their employees’ level of job satisfaction? Why are so many employees unhappy? What do you think can be done about it?
They should because the happier an employee is the more they want to produce and the more they strive to better for themselves and the company. A lot of employees are unhappy because the work environment does not allow for growth or management does not connect with employees on a personnel level. Management has to be to blame; they have to set the right work environment for employees to be successful.
3. When should an employee engage in whistleblowing? What are the rules?
An employee should whistleblow if a law has been broken, company policy, or someone has been threatened.
4. What is the distinction between the right to due process and employment at will?
The difference between right to due process and employment at will is, if a employer wants fire a employee under the employment at will they can do so with out any cause. Under right to due process there has to be decision-making process.
5. How should employers conduct themselves when they engage in downsizing or face a plant closure?
They should show sincerity and compassion for the people they have to let go.
6. Why should employers care about their former employees?
They should care because in the future they may come back to work for them, or that employee can be a gateway to other business ventures.
7. What characterizes the caring organization?
The things that characterize the caring model are: Caring is focused entirely on persons, not on “profit” or “quality”. Caring is undertaken as an end in itself not as a means to productivity. Caring is essentially personal. Caring is growth