Senior year of high school, a lot of things going on, but what did I set as goals for me to reach? The top three of my goals for senior year are: graduate at the top of my class, get accepted into MacMurray and their nursing program, and finally get a job to pay for college. Now, here we are getting close to the end of the school year and I have managed to make them come true. Out of these, I take the most pride in graduating top of my class. This is because I remember always going to other graduations and watching the Valedictorian give his/her speech. I thought, I want that to be me someday, so this has been one of the goals that I have been working on for a long time now.…
Freshman Composition has done so much for me academically. In previous years I have had to do little to no writing and even when we did there were no rules or writing process we had to follow. This class has built a great basis for me, towards my academic future. I do realize that I am far away from being even an average writer, but I enjoy and accept that challenge to myself on becoming a competent writer. Parts of my writing, that still need to work are my introductions and sentence fluency. While I believe that my strong suits are, that once I get past my obstacles of writing that I have the potential to write something that will make a difference, other than that all my skills are still very raw. I’ve learned many things during EN101, the…
In high school, I always considered myself a good student. I payed attention in class, took notes, and genuinely took interest in my education. As a college student, I have tried to do the same thing. Of course, college is not quite the same as high school, and I have not always gotten the near-perfect results I used to expect. While I am working on my perfectionism as a separate issue, I am glad to take this opportunity to learn more about how to succeed in college. Three strategies I learned in this chapter include how to better prepare before class, how to review after class, and how to improve my note-taking strategies.…
Is it smart to set goals before college? ‘‘About half of all students who start college don’t finish. Roughly one quarter of freshmen drop out before sophomore year,’’ according to Career Prep Academy. Twenty-five percent of freshmen’s in college drop out before their next year in college. Students drop out for many reasons and one of these being not setting goals for themselves, many students might believe that setting goals is creating a path to failure and unrealistic dreams, but in contrast setting goals helps students stay on the path to completing college. By setting goals and measuring their achievements, students are able to see what they have done and what they are capable of, it helps them to stay focused on their path by guiding them on what they ought to achieve in life. Seeing…
I was always told "don't plan too far ahead, because something will always come in your way," and I never listened. At a young age I began creating scenarios for my future and attending University of Florida has always been a part of my goals. If I were to be granted admission I would make sure I got the full college experience by working hard to be at the top of my class, joining a club that revolves around my hobbies, and of course, making myself proud.…
Freshman year is hard. It's a new school, new teachers, and you have to start thinking about the future. But, something that really helps is setting some goals for yourself. The goals I want to achieve during my years at PHS and beyond are to maintain a good gpa all year and not be afraid to ask for help, take a class that I would enjoy and learn from, and make new friends and lots of new memories. First off, I really want to get a good gpa all four years of high school. I really want to go to a four year college after college, and getting good grades in high school helps with that. I am an auditory learner, so me being really focused in class with help me learn more and do better. Also, I have a high linguistic intelligence so that will help…
Describe your college and career goals. Explain how LBCPA will help you to attain them.…
Successful is achieving or having achieved success; having attained wealth, position, honors, or anything. College, it’s a big thing in a person’s life. It’s take a step into the real world. None is going to tell you what to do or how to do something in class. College students try to balances academic, work and social all at ones and it can be stressful. College is where one begins to find themselves and explore the world. It’s the start of where your life begins.…
Throughout our years of high school, people make mistakes over and over, and then they made goals in order to get them back on the right track again. My past needs changes, my present has its up’s and downs, and my future needs some help. I wish I could go back and change my past, but if I did, I wouldn’t be where I am today. I need to change where I am now with the present because I plan on going to college and I need good grades for that. In order for my future to be good, I need to get my stuff in order, quick.…
There are several fundamental reasons why students all over the world choose to pursue higher education: to broaden their knowledge base, to achieve financial independence, and to be a part of an environment that fosters personal growth. I truly believe that the best way to accomplish these three goals is to fully immerse oneself in a stimulating environment, where there is an abundance of opportunities to grow both during and after college. I am currently a second-year student at Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA), and I spent my first year of post-secondary education at the Community College of Baltimore County (CCBC). I am highly interested in pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, but my current institution only offers…
A long term goals I have is to graduate High School and College. I am going to achieve this goal by paying attention in class and studying hard. I am also going to work towards this goal by getting good grades. I want to achieve this goal because I want to have a successful life in the future. Two short term goals I have is to save money and stay away from negative people. I am going to work on saving money by putting change or any spare money I have in a container and not touch it until it is full. I want to achieve this goal because I feel as though I spend too much money on unnecessary things. I am going to stay away from negative people not just short term but long term to. I am going to stay away from these people because I don’t…
My primary goal for going to college would be to further my education and to make everyone proud of me by helping students with my degree. As a senior in High School, I believe that it is my natural born right to further my education. I will go to IU Bloomington, so that I can become a Social Worker or a Student Counselor. In order to help students make correct life changing decisions, I will encourage them to go to college like I did. With my degree, I will be able to build a path for the student and indirectly help someone else in need. Everyone needs some type of guidance and I will be able to provide that to them. It will be my privilege to go to this college just so I can continue on the right path toward success and in the process improve…
I am one of the co-editors of What Is “College-Level” Writing?—a 2006 collection of essays that focuses on the difference between high school writing and college-level writing. Because of my work on that book, I’ve spent a great deal of time in the last five years thinking about what students need to make the transition from high school to college. Many studies and reports in recent years have argued that there’s an important “expectations gap” between the skills students are typically bringing to college and what college teachers like me think students should be bringing with them to college. This letter is an attempt to state those expectations clearly, at least from my perspective. I offer you my advice and encouragement as you embark on your high school career because I think there’s a lot that you can do on your own to get ready for college. A good place to start is with some advice from Stephen Covey’s book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People: “Begin with the end in mind.” I am advising you to set clear and specific long-term goals for yourself and then work incrementally over a period of time to meet them. I would like to provide you here with a number of specific goals that you can work toward over the next four years. Let’s begin with perhaps the most fundamental of all college-readiness skills— reading. Reading Reading comprehension, as measured by standardized tests like the SAT and the ACT, is certainly an essential college-level skill. Students in college are required to read an enormous amount of material across a formidable range of disciplines, and college students must be able to understand and engage with this material thoughtfully. Reading is a foundational skill that makes success possible in virtually all…
The first goal that currently overarches all of my other goals in the present is the goal of completing and obtaining my Associate in Engineering Degree during two years at Schoolcraft College. To achieve this goal, I hopefully plan to overcome the extreme case of procrastination that I have for the time being and stop making extremely terrible decisions with my time. After I achieve this goal, I plan on looking forward into even higher education. However, my current issues with my post-college goals is that I am unsure of what colleges or universities that I should look into, nor do I know the difference between the advantages of pursuing Automotive Engineering or Mechanical Engineering but I will cross that bridge when I get to it.…
When I first walked into AP Lang and Comp, I thought this is going to be another year filled with horrible writing and pointless reading but to my surprise I was wrong. On our first in class essay I scored a 4 slightly above average and ended the quarter with a score of 6 which was nearly double the average score. The jump from getting a score that was slightly above average to double the average was not one that came with ease, especially given the fact that I was absent quite often. Taking into account the fact that I was gone often, as stated before, it took a significant work out of class to both better myself and my writing which shows my motivation and enthusiasm to surpass my…