September 29, 2013
SLS 1:00-2:15PM
Ms. Butler
Goals Paper How often do you know where you want to be in life and how your going to get there.
Throughout my late teens and young adult years I have had my eyes on success. Now the word success means many different things to many different people. The reason I know I am going to make is because I have goals I need to accomplish. The goals I have set pertain to personal life, academic life and career life. The main focus of my life is my personal goal that tends to consume 95% of my money and time. My long term personal goal is to finish my project car in the next three years. Which I have been building for the past two years. Most of my free time goes into this car from researching new designs and parts that will fit my design. This goal is the main thing in my life that keeps me motivated to continue and persevere. Also to fight the peer pressure of drugs and alcohol abuse that many kids in my age live there life by called swag. But I call that broke life for losers that will work at McDonalds or Wal-Mart and serve me later in life. Also this car will help me later in life to show that I have the skills it takes to design a completely original car off just my creative thinking and strive to be different. So I can gain customers in the future business I am going to own. What I have planned for the next year is to accumulate research on the new parts I will need to finish off the project and continue to save my money to purchase these parts.
Also go to car shows and bounce ideas off of other builders to see what their thoughts are on my build. But the main purpose of bouncing ideas off other builders is not to take their ideas but get a fresh outlook on how I can get my ideas perfected from a different perspective. Now what I am doing to help accomplish this long term goal starts with finding what parts am I going to need to finish the project and get it on the road. Now the worst thing that