Professor Jovanovski
The Existence of God, and which God Does Existence
The existence of God is a subject matter that most people want to know the answer to. Many great philosophers have debated about this subject for generations. Feuerbach has an interesting point of view about the subject matter. Feuerbach believes that if it can be scientifically proven then it is real or true and anything that is not proven is not real because there are no facts to back it up. But I believe that anything is real or true if you have faith. Faith is faith. Rene Descartes is someone else that had discussions on the subject matter. Descartes wrote a book called “Meditations on First Philosophy” which talked about the existence of God and the distinction between the human soul and body. He’s basically address; do people have the power to control things that are unexplainable or can people do what they say God can do (if you feel that God doesn’t exist). He’s my supporter that God does existence. The point that I’m trying to make is that God is real. Ludwig Feuerbach is arguing in the essay “The Essence of Christianity” that God isn’t real because humans have construed their own personal view of him. I hope by the end of my essay that you understand the reasons why God is or isn’t real. Some people don’t believe in the Bible because the information in the bible is not scientifically proven. People feel it’s a made up story to get people to believe in how the world came about, what’s right, what’s wrong and other important quality’s in order to be the best human being.
When I read Feuerbach’s “The Essence of Christianity” essay, I rejected it because of my belief. From my upbringing, I believe God has to be real. Someone had to create existence; someone created the world and the things in it. Descartes says; so there remains the idea of God: is there anything that could have originated from man? By the word ‘God’ I understand a substance that is