Most college students go to their particular school not knowing anyone, so basically everyone is in the same position. A person will make a totally new group of friends within the first few weeks of school. Making this transition may seem hard at first but actually it makes you become a more confident person. A student will not change their circle of friends; instead they will expand upon it.
In my personal experience I came to college knowing two other people from my hometown. By knowing these people it made me feel more confident coming to school, even though I didn't see them for the first full week of school, just knowing that they were there for me if I needed them was enough. I met a totally new group of people within that week too. By meeting new people you are learning how to apply your social skills, which you may not have done since you began grammar school.
Another reason that people think that going away to college is a bad idea that all students will do is party. Actually the truth is, students that are away to school get more work done than those living at home. Away at school you do not have the distractions that you would have at school. At school everyone is doing work, so there are times in a day that the library will be packed. But at a home environment not everyone is doing school or the amount of schoolwork that the college student will be doing. Then will most likely have distractions from their parents, siblings, and friends.
Going away to college is one of the best experiences a person can have. It makes them grow and form into the person