In today’s younger, trendy, fashion stores, people are being hired for their looks and less because of their brains. Marshal Cohen, a senior industry analyst, argues about why hiring better looking people helps a store’s environment. Making a certain brand more desirable to buy, meaning the company shall make more money. Stores such as Abercrombie and Fitch have already set their image using this technique and have become quite successful. Hiring attractive people is not illegal, but it is indeed useful and profitable.
Popular fashion stores know that using good looking employees will make them money. Walking into any one of these stores, I immediately notice how great the people are looking there. I then begin to wonder if buying these clothes will make me look great also. This is exactly what Cohen mentioned about and quite frankly, he’s right. The effects of using these walking billboards have affected me, and I am just one of the mass of people that also are going to be affected. Not only does having a nice environment persuade a person into buying a product of the store, it also makes the store a place that someone would want to just hang out in. And of course it is pretty hard to just hang out without buying anything. This highly profitable idea is easy as just offering an attractive person that walks in the store a job.
Certain stores have a certain image that is shown by the employees and models representing it. Abercrombie and Fitch for example, has a Caucasian, preppy image. So to keep this image, Abercrombie prefers to hire preppy looking Caucasians. Tom Lennox, Abercrombie’s communications director says, “Brand representatives are ambassadors to the brand. We want to hire brand representatives that will represent the Abercrombie and Fitch brand with natural classic American style, look great while exhibiting individuality, project the brand and themselves with energy and enthusiasm, and make the store a