Most of the workers didn't have any papers, and also had to support their families. The working conditions the workers put up with were, working all day in the heat, not having enough to eat, and also back breaking labor. The conditions were so bad that kids born to farm workers suffered a 25% higher infant mortality rate than the rest of the population. cesar , and the workers had to put a end to this, so they decided to go on strike. They went on strike for equality, so they can get better pay, and also so they can get better working conditions. Cesar helped fight for this cause by founding the NFWA, more commonly known as the National Farm Workers Associations. This would form the backbone of all his labor campaigns. For the workers and Cesar, this was the start of something great. In the beginning the NFWA was founded with only 10 members. The members were, Cesar Chavez, his wife Helen, and 8 of their kids. In all the ways Cesar Chavez could've protested, and got his word across to the bosses, Cesar Chavez chose nonviolence. To Cesar Chavez nonviolence was the only way to get his word across, and it was the only way to get things done right. Cesar Chavez inspired many people, because they seen that nonviolence was working in the protest. If anyone tried to bring violence into the protest Cesar Chavez would starve himself, to them Cesar was their idol, so they didn't want anything to happen to him. The result…