Article Summary
Have you ever said “I wish money could grow on trees?” Well that could actually be true! Geoscientist Melvyn Lintern was the author of “Gold Particles Found in Leaves of Eucalyptus Trees.” This article was published in Science News magazine on October 23, 2013 and retrieved online at, on January 16, 2014.
Melvyn Lintern from CSIRO (Commonwealth Science and Industrial Research Organization) Earth Science and Resource Engineering explored the gold particles in leaves of the eucalyptus trees in Australia. The article was written to let people know that leaves or soil underneath these trees could show gold that was buried underground. The gold discovered was up to 60 million years old.
Geoscientists used the Maia detector to explore the soil. The Maia detector is an imaging system, which uses an x-ray microprobe, (a device used to stimulate radiation by a material in order to determine chemical or elemental composition). The Maia detector is similar to an x-ray machine. It allows you to see through leaves and determine their chemical or mineral composition. This is where the gold particles were found.
The article also explained how the Eucalyptus tree acted like a hydraulic pump, (related to a liquid moving in a confined space under pressure), because its roots extend deep in the ground and draw up water containing the gold. Since gold can be toxic to the tree, it doesn’t stay in one spot; it moves to the leaves and branches where it can be released or shed to the ground.
Article Analysis
This is a new topic because before the Maia detector, the gold in the leaves was invisible and there was no way of detecting it, so this is a brand new discovery.
The author of the article did a good job explaining the information in a way that everyone could read and understand. Dr. Lintern said that, “Leaves could be used in combination with other tools