Hinduism is considered to be the oldest religions of the world. It made significant progress during the Golden Age of the Guptas.
(i) Which is considered to be the oldest religion of the world?
(ii) During which age Hinduism made a great progress?
(i) Hinduism
(ii) Golden Age of the Guptas
Main tenets of Hinduism are: (i) Belief in an Omnipotent God. (ii) This belief does not debar them from worshipping several gods signifying the different forms of the same divine. (iii) Worship of several gods gave birth to numerous religious sects of which two are more important having their respective God as Head.
Religious Sects God Head
Vaishnavism Lord …show more content…
(i) The Vedas;
(ii) The Upanishads;
(iii) The Darshans;
(iv) The Gita;
(v) The Ramayana.
The Hindus believe in salvation or 'moksha' as the supreme objective of one's life. This objective can be realized by exercising full control over one's own senses. There are believed to be three courses to achieve salvation-the 'KarmaMarga', or the way of good deeds; the 'GyanaMarga' or the way of true knowledge and 'Bhakti Marga' or the way of Divine devotion.
(i) What is the objective of a man's life in Hinduism?
(ii) How many courses have been prescribed in Hinduism for salvation?
(iii) What is the meaning of the word 'Karma Marga'?
(iv) What is the other word used for salvation?
(i) Salvation;
(ii) Way of good deeds;
(iii) Three;
(iv) Moksha.
The soul is immortal. It is involved in an unending cycle of births and deaths and rebirths and deaths. The Hindus believe in the theory of 'Karma' which means that actions in one's present life bear their fruit in the next life.
(i) Does the soul die?
(ii) Is the soul Immortal?
(iii) Soul is involved in an cycle of and
(iv) Do the Hindus believe in rebirth?
(v) What is the theory of …show more content…
Essay Type Questions
1. l. Explain the concept-programmed learning. State its fundamental principles.
2. Define the term-programmed learning. Discuss its nature and fundamental principles.
3. "Programmed instruction has a wide use and bright future."
4. Discuss the statement in the light of the applications of programmed instruction.
5. Describe in brief the various phases of developing programmed instructional material.
6. Write an essay on programmed learning strategy in Indian- context.
7. "The Socratic method reappears and makes its presence felt in the concept of programmed instruction." Explain the psychological basis of programmed learning.
8. Can programmed learning replace the teacher? Explain in detail.
9. What is programmed learning? Prepare a lesson plan on any topic on the basis of programmed learning.
B. Short-Answer Type Questions
1. Compare linear and branching programming.
2. Describe the characteristics of a Mathetics style of programming. Indicate areas of behavior which are best suited for Mathetics programming.
3. Differentiate programmed learning and traditional approach to learning.
4. Write short notes on:
(i) Acriteriontest.
(ii) Terminal behavior.
(iii) Learning