Now it is time to begin collecting data. Begin by testing the control group, by pouring one beaker containing 200 mL of fish water and two goldfish into the oxygen chamber. The amount of fish water in the oxygen chamber should equate to about 400 mL. This experiment can only occur if we ensure there is no oxygen coming into the system thus we must close and secure the plunger lid by applying force downward until some water flows through a hole at the top center. Next allow the goldfish about three minutes to acclimate to the water. To ensure accuracy for the experiment, do a pre-run test for about a minute. After doing so run the program once again, but this time for the full experiment time (10 minutes). While the experiment is running, collect 200 mL of fish water and add a 50 mg caffeine …show more content…
Do the two trials once again with two different goldfish for a total of four trials.
On Excel, oxygen concentration (mg/L) was plotted against time (seconds) for each control and experimental trial. Four groups administered the caffeine experiment, which totaled 16 trials. The computer program utilized calculated a mean and standard deviation value with the units, oxygen concentration divided by time and mass (mg/L*hr*kg). The weight of the goldfish was taken into account. Along with this, the computer program (t-test) also supplied a p-value. Once all four trials are conducted and all data is collected, place the fish back into their respective aquarium. While one group member is returning the fish, make sure to rinse the oxygen chamber with dH2O, and then pour enough dH2O into the chamber so that the probe is submerged. All this information is summarized in figure