The golf course is my home during the fall season. I spend more time at practice, with my teammates, and on the golf course than I do with my own family. My teammates mean the world to me; They have taught me how to work collaboratively and understand my strengths and weaknesses. There is something about the atmosphere of the golf course that makes me mentally and physically calm. Golf is impossible to master so that encourages me to keep working hard and try to be the best I can possibly be. When I go golfing, it is just me, my clubs, and the ball, trying to achieve …show more content…
I was about 140 yards from the green on one of the hardest holes on the golf course. I took out my 7 iron and swung a practice swing. I started to think about all of the tips my coaches had given me. I stepped up to my ball and aimed straight towards the flag at the center of the green. Every stroke counts the same in the game of golf, so each swing needs to be done with care. I swung my club and felt good contact on the ball; I knew that the ball would fly strong, but I didn’t know just how favorable the result would be. The ball flew as straight as an arrow to the green, bounced a few times, and I heard it drop right in the hole from 140 yards