2. Wise Being a good leader usually means that they have to make critical calls at assorted points in their organization. Having the knowledge to make the correct call is crucial in making sure the organization is successful. Good leaders are strategic, wise and perceptive.
3. PassionateGood leaders are very passionate people. They're intensely obsessed in whatever they are focused on. It could be business, sports or a hobby, these individuals are intensely focused. They operate with such a high level of passion that they get consumed in it. They take action!
4. Compassion Good leaders have compassion for their supporters or employees. They have great coaching and development skills. While these leaders have goals to accomplish, they consistently care for the individuals that support them. They're not selfish individuals only thinking about their own wants and needs. Most have a heart for the people that follow them.
5. CharismaticMost good leaders are captivating. They're charming individuals and they tend to draw people in with their personalities. It could be in the way they talk, the way they carry themselves. They are excellent a building relationships and demanding performance from their peers. These individuals have an X-factor that you are drawn to.6. 6.Great Communicators Good leaders are usually great orators and persuaders. They're very comfortable with public speaking and are very inspiring people. It isn't surprising that they can develop a good following with this communication ability.
7. PersistentGood leaders are determined in attaining their goals. They know that reaching their destination can be filled with problems. Notwithstanding, they see that the advantages of attaining