Stranger: napoleon did not surrender at waterloo
You: Napoleon was one of the greatest generals in history
You: better
You: then eny that UK had
You: any*
Stranger: true
You: or will have
You: I respect french
You: people
You: just them in europe
Stranger: napoleon wasnt really a french anyway
You: and
You: serbs
You: of course
Stranger: he was a corse
You: their generals...ah
You: ik
You: Serbia and France...too best countries in europe
You: War is in their blood
Stranger: nah, serbia doesnt really have good generals.
Stranger: look at their battles, they basically lost every war they fought
You: Check World War I
You: then say something dude
You: first battle at mountain called Cer
Stranger: while surely they fought well
You: 50k vs 250k
Stranger: they repelled austrai twice
You: they WON
Stranger: but in the end they were submitted
You: yeah...
Stranger: and look at world war two
You: when 850k attacked their 300k
You: in world war II
Stranger: they were defeated by germany
Stranger: and its allies
Stranger: in few days
You: like almoust whole europe
Stranger: i mean, serbs always fought hard
You: but they had defensive plan
Stranger: butthey are too small
You: which failed
You: cuz croats
Stranger: to be really a power
You: they were on german side
You: had those germans
You: for jews,serbs,and gypsy
Stranger: the ustasha of ante pavelic
You: yes
Stranger: they were paid by italians and germans
Stranger: since th 30's
You: I see u know history very well
Stranger: that said,serbian plan was flawed since the beginning, because they had put their under equipped forces right on the frontiers
Stranger: they werent prepared to resist to a blitzkrieg attack
Stranger: but who was after all?
You: The equipment was mostly from ww1 and