Relationships can guide ones actions when faced with choices that greatly affect both parties of the relationship. Lane A. Dean Jr. is dating Sheri, the two have a looming problem of an unwanted baby on their hands. Lane deals with the troubles of deciding if he truly loves Sheri. He is worried that he is making the wrong decision based on his love or lack there of. When dealing with problems actions are commonly hindered by emotions. Furthermore relationships are strong emotional bonds, giving them control over the actions being made for the people involved. Lane never comes to a definite conclusion in the short story showing that predicaments …show more content…
Sheri deals with the the former route it seems, being brought up in a Catholic or Christian family she grew up with religion being a big factor in her life. Actions her and her boyfriend have come up with to deal with an unwanted pregnancy all go against her religion. Her actions are hindered by her religion, an abortion, premarital baby, or being a single mother. Sheri has to decide whether or not her religion is a big enough factor in her life, and if it has enough pull to guide her when going about this problem. Furthermore she must decide if she is willing to deal with the religious repercussions that comes with each option. Religion is something copious amounts of people use to help them get through life and it’s difficulties, Sheri being one of