Every single human needs the necessity of sleep depending on each respective duration of preferable sleeping hours. As we all know, a duration of a near to 8 hours of sleep will be much sufficient for an average person for a night’s sleep. Sleep is essential for a person’s brain productivity and it increases their attentiveness in carrying out their daily activities throughout their life time. However, sometimes without a doubt, we do face some difficulties in our sleeping durations. For example, one of the most common sleeping issues will be insomnia where by people are actually having problems in falling asleep through the night. To minimize sleeping issues, good sleeping habits before and during bedtime must be developed and practiced by everyone to ensure that they can experience a pleasant good night’s rest and rejuvenate themselves for a fresh morning. There are a few ways to practice good sleeping habits for health and to fulfil daily needs.
When you are tired, taking a nap is one of the many ways to provide good minimum rest time for most of us who are always busy and on the go. From the web article ‘11 Ways to Improve Your Sleep’, Tighe (2012) stated that nap is one of the few important ways to let a person’s boy to rest when you are feeling tired. However, when one is having a nap, it needs to be short to avoid complications when sleeping at night. This is supported by the from ‘How to Sleep Better’ short naps early in the afternoon is good for a quick recharge for people who are in need of some short rest to avoid insomnia especially among the elders. Linked to this statement, this also supported by the source, ‘Adopt Good Sleep Habits’. From this extract, napping is good but once again, avoid taking naps too close to from a regular bedtime.
Other than that, having a specific regular time for sleep is one of the few essential habits of sleeping. By maintaining a regular bedtime, this ensures people to have the urge to sleep when they