
Good Vs. Evil

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Good Vs. Evil
Good vs. Evil
It is very doubtful that you can turn on the television to watch a sitcom, head to the movies, or even pick up a book and not be hit with the classic battle of Good vs. Evil but where does this come from? Why do we want Good to overcome and conquest over Evil? That is a judgment call that we make on an individual level, not as social group, it is an essential part of our human nature and ones upbringing. We see that good as something very treasured, something that is wanted and hopped that it over shadows evil every time, it is so strong in people that we make books, movies and tell glorious stories of good triumphing over evil that desire is part of our personality, but where does it come from?
It has to come from someone instead
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We know evil exists and people that claim there is no evil become conflicting when they want to condemn a murderers or rapists, and we can see the opposite is good. It would seem to make sense that these two are the most powerful forces in our whole existing universe. But which one is the strongest force? Do they equally stand up to each other? Does one side help explain the other side, without good no evil would never exist. Why not assume that these are good apples in a bad barrel, rather than bad apples in a good barrel? (Michael Shermer is publisher of Skeptic). Even thou all the research in the world can tell we or try to prove that evil is not real but that good has been spoiled. Argument can say that good has to the most powerful influence because evil has to wait for good be recognized and humans have something to compare it too. Good can exist without evil but evil cant without good, evil is like sponge or a bug that soaks and eat everything in sight, it only exist to spoil and cause confusion in humans. There cannot be evil unless there is a reason why it came to become a thought. The best explanation for this is that God gave all his creatures free will and from there it manifested from. Cretin people who are Atheist claim that evil does not exist but is

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