“Great stones they lay upon his chest until plead aye or nay. They say he give them but two words. “More weight,” he says. And died.” (Elizabeth 135). John hears this story and thinks of the bravery behind that act. He thinks of he will remembered in Salem, a man who didn't want to the give the court any pleasure of seeing him die. John asks ELizabeth to tell him what to do, “Do what you will. But let none be your judge. There be no higher judge under Heaven than Proctor is!...” (Elizabeth 137). It it natural that John would turn to the person he trusted most in the world for advice, but Elizabeth simply can’t tell him what to do. God and John himself can only be the judge of his actions. Danforth is telling Proctor is sign a paper that will be posted on the church doors stating he was involved in witchcraft, “Because it is my name! Because I cannot have another in my life!...” (Proctor 143). John was willing to lie to save his life considering he thinks he will already go to Hell. But he draws the line at letting everyone see that he was convicted of witchcraft, let alone it will on the doors of the house of god. Proctor is willing to lie to save his life. But he will not lie to be branded as conspirer of the Devil. Proctor wants to be remember as the man who did something good, and that’s exactly what he …show more content…
Two people who stayed loyal to the ones that they cared for and also to their morals were Reverend Hale and Elizabeth Proctor. Hale is speaking with Elizabeth about Proctor, “You know, do you not, that I have no connection with the court? I come of my own, Goody Proctor. I would save your husband’s life, for if he is taken I count for myself his murderer. Do you understand me?” (Hale 131). Hale has a good heart and cares more about what happens to the innocent rather than what would happen to him in his afterlife. However, Hale did want to save the wrongfully convicted people, but he was going against god’s word. Hale is reverand, the closet man to god in salem and he was telling Rebecca and John to lie. Hale was setting a bad example for the rest of the people of Salem by telling them to commit a sin to have a couple more years on the earth, when they could have a life of eternal happiness in Heaven. Elizabeth was also excommunicated but that meant she didn't have to go church every sunday in shame form her husband. John begs Elizabeth to tell him what to do with his life, “I cannot judge you, John, I cannot.” (Elizabeth, 138). Although Elizabeth wants John to be in control of his own life, she should’ve taken charge so he wouldn't die. Elizabeth is the most trusting person in John’s life and when he turns to her for advice she leaves