The birth of Google was in 1998 by two young doctoral students from Stanford University, Sergey Brin and Larry Page. They dropped out of Stanford to start up their business. In the mid-1990s searching on the internet was not efficient and time consuming. Therefore search engines helped with organizing the internet like yahoo and Alta Vista. They still did not perfect searching on the internet, so Page and Brin analyzed Web links, and they developed a ranking system for searching on the internet, that depended on the relevance to the object of the search. They first made this search engine available to students and faculty on Stanford campus, by word of mouth. It was very successful on campus, and required capital to grow their venture. With the help of one of their professor they found an investor who invested $100,000 dollars. They were able to incorporate the company to Google Inc. Many other invested in their company, and finally two venture capital firms invested $25 million, Kleiner Perkins and Sequoia Capital. With the growth of the company the revenues that were expected were not enough for the growing company. Brin and Page decide on using advertising to increase revenue. They were very strict with the standard of the advertisement meaning size and type of ads. The ads that had an association with the search would pop up. They did not run ads unless they had something to do with your search. This was very smart for Google to design this type of advertisement, because it focused on a market that was interested in that type of advertisement. This was called target advertisement. Instead of focusing on a large number of people like TV, Google focuses on a targeted market those who seeked ads with a particular search for the individual user. During the 2000 hardship in the internet, many companies laid off and bankrupted, but Google stood strong, and continued to grow. They also acquired
Bibliography: Contributor, e. (2013, januaray 21). How to Create a Customer Service Department From Scratch. Retrieved from eHow money: Hartley, R. F. (2009). Marketing Mistakes & Successes. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons Inc. lacey, h. (2013, january 21). Customer Service Disadvantages. Retrieved from ehow money: Martin, M. (2013, Januarary 21). What Are the Benefits of Good Customer Service? Retrieved from ehow money: