* How Google sensed the presence of the problem By analyzing performance reviews, feedback surveys, and nominations for top-manager awards, (correlating) phrases, words, praise and complaints.
Problems faced by Google: 1- A brilliant manager in his technical field, had completely failed in leading his team
Solution: He had one-on-one coaching from the inside staff at Google.
Measure of solution success: after six months, team members were acknowledging in surveys that the manager had improved (employees feedback). 2- Hiring trap: managers often want to hire people who seem just like them
Solution: interview process and hiring decisions are made by a group, to minimize the authority and power of the manager in making hiring decisions.
Measure of solution success: minimizing the power of managers in hiring decisions, hiring more fit employees to such positions regardless of personal judgment. 3- Biases in the cafeteria line
Solution: stacking smaller plates next to bigger ones at the front line, telling people an indirect message as they don’t like being told what to do, they like facts at which they are smart enough to decide upon them.
Measure of solution success: employees drop 10-15 pounds without being directed to. * How it dealt with it
Coaching managers and helping them with their execution. They are using the results of Project Oxygen, it seems, to train managers and help them execute better in their management roles.
A summery: ” what I learned from this case”
Through the case, oxygen project has aproned that their tips and tricks are pretty straight forward and probably could come from "any smart HR person," the question is “if these ideas are so easy, why isn't everyone a great boss?”
Thing is, it's usually the easiest, most simple ideas that we forget and that get lost in our complex brains. What we all need is a simple, but effective way to implement these "slappingly obvious" plans to become